Tuesday, July 14, 2009

Recipe: Tahu Daging Cincang Pedas


2 tea spoons minced garlic
100 gr minced meat
1 egg tofu, cut and fried (big fire) until golden then put aside
10 cherry tomatoes, washed and cut
1 table spoon chili paste
salt and sugar to taste
Spring onion, fine cut for decoration


1. Heat oil and fry garlic until fragrant
2. Add minced meat, fry until half cooked
3. Add tomatoes, keep frying until it becomes soft like paste
3. Add chili paste
4. Add salt, sugar then taste
5. Toss fried egg tofu and stir well.
6. Sprinkle some spring onion, ready to serve

Enak loh...mengagumi hasil kreasi sendiri hohohohoho


Khaiwong said...


Priscilla Mulianto said...

slurpp.. enoe bisa masak jg... terharu ^_^

ennoe said...

maksud loe? :-l
itu semua recipe yang gue post khan hasil kreasi gue!


Johan Rusli said...

seharusnya begitu lar menjadi ibu rumah tangga yang baik dan teladan

karlina said...

tahunya digoreng begitu aja atau ditepung-in dulu baru digoreng?