Wednesday, November 26, 2008

My Precious

After a long and seems never ending packing, last night me and my fiance 'gotongan' my as-heavy-as-killer-whale-baby boxes.
What the h*ll did I put in that boxes?
O oh....... I remember!
My preciousssssssss.................ssss....sssss...
  • Harry Potter Book set
  • Namaku Miiko Book set
  • Tepi Air Book Set
  • Mallory Towers Book set
  • Time Limit Book set

Sorry dear... good exercise for you and your tummy though kekekek...
I bet you slept like a baby last night...
I did!

Tuesday, November 25, 2008


Just read an article at soal peraturan baru disebuah negara. Peraturan yang menyatakan bahwa yoga itu terlarang untuk dilakukan oleh penganut agama tertentu, dengan alasan bahwa dalam yoga itu terkait praktik-praktik agama tertentu yang bisa merusak iman penganut agama lain.

Sebagai pecinta yoga (yang walaupun bodoh tidak bisa-bisa melakukan gerakan dengan sempurna sampai membuat instruktur frustasi), saya tidak habis pikir kenapa ada orang yang bisa terpikirkan membuat peraturan semacam ini. Selama beryoga, tidak pernah terpikirkan sedikitpun bahwa gerakan-gerakan yang dilakukan itu merupakan ajaran dari agama tertentu. Yang dipikirkan cuma "Oh God, buset pegel banget. How long do I have to stay in this position? Ketarik nih arrrrgggh. Help!"

Yoga yang selama ini saya ketahui dan praktekan (once again ini pendapat amatiran) cuma gerakan olahraga biasa plus pernafasan. Tidak ada tuh meditasi yang mendalam dll dll. Cuma ada cooling down after, yang harusnya biasa dong, aerobik aja melakukan hal itu. Huaaaah.... exhale.

Padahal belum lama saya juga membaca bahwa negara ini melarang anak perempuan berperilaku tomboy. Alasannya simpel karena takut itu akan mengarah ke arah mencintai sesama jenis. Gubrak...
Give me a break... walaupun 1 jenis khan tetep aja ada yang perannya lebih feminim dan yang lebih tomboy. Jgn men-samarata-kan gitu dong. For example, Portia de Rossi khan cantik, feminim, hot blonde girl. Tapi toh tetep dia marry Ellen, not a guy. Kalau memang sudah panggilan hati mau gimana lagi?

Beberapa bulan sebelumnya juga dikeluarkan larangan agar perempuan tidak mengenakan lipstik merah menyala. I mean, what????! Apa salahnya pake lipstick merah kalau memang bagus dan cocok? Kayaknya tidak ada cewe sebagai pemakai yang berniat menggunakan lipstick yang membuat dia tampak lebih jelek or looks like a whore/slut/tramp/hooker. Namanya juga make up! Suppose to make us girls prettier. Up people up! Not make down.

Kenapa dijaman yang pendidikan dan teknologinya sudah semaju saat ini, masih saja terdapat orang-orang yang memilih untuk menggunakan peraturan yang ketat untuk mengontrol masyarakatnya. Bukankah seperti seorang anak kecil yang ingin mengambil pasir sebanyak mungkin untuk membangun kastil impiannya dipantai, yang belajar bahwa semakin kencang dia menggenggam, semakin banyak pasir yang berjatuhan disela-sela jari mungilnya? yang belajar bahwa dengan mengendurkan cengkraman justru dapat menampung pasir lebih banyak.

Saturday, November 22, 2008

New habit

I love reading. I really do. My parents told me once that I started to open a magazine (even though it was upside down) when I was 2 years old only.
I read what ever, but as I grow older I tend to focus my reading in stories like novel, history, fiction, mythology etc etc. Hehehe...

But lately, thanks to the global crisis, I have to set my sauron-eyes to read daily currency rate at So, in short, from couple days ago I was officially a and reader on daily basis.

I don't know if this just a random coincidence, but there are so many interesting stories happen. Usually they just posted 'traffic jam news, flood news, and other not-eye-catching news.
But now... hmmm.....interesting
Well..well well....
Gonna post what I thought as interesting news later folks.

Wednesday, November 19, 2008


These last few days were very backbreaking for me..
Simultaneous meeting combined with packing all my sentimental-useless-crap of stuff really wore me out.
Looking forward for the days where all I need to do are daily chores and watching movies...

Tuesday, November 18, 2008

Very Bad Service at Samara Sunda

Today I had lunch at Samara Sunda located in WTC Basement. It's drizzled all day, so all of the restaurants are fully booked, except for Samara Sunda. Yes, it was crowded but four of us were able to secure comfortable seat.

After taking forever to have our order taken, we finally ordered 2 rice (1 without 'bawang goreng'), 1 avocado juice, 1 ayam madu (paha) and ayam bakar bumbu rujak (dada)
Tunggu punya tunggu.....
10 minutes later

waiter-boy 1: "Mbak, avocado juicenya abis, mo diganti apa?"

Since I had my mineral water I said no to the waiter

next 25 minutes

waiter-boy 1:"Pak, ayam madunya abis yang paha, adanya dada gimana?

mico:"Oke deh gpp"

7 minutes later

waiter-boy 1 while bringing my rice with 'bawang goreng' :"Pak, ternyata ayam madunya abis, adanya ayam bumbu rujak, mau diganti tidak?"

mico: "ga ah ganti nasi bakar ajah"

me: "pak khan saya pesennya ga pake bawang goreng"

waiter-boy 1: "oh gak pake ya bu, sebentar yah"

3 minutes later the nasi bakar was arrived

another 5 minutes my rice(now without bawang goreng) plus ayam bumbu rujak (paha) were arrived

me: "loh mas khan saya pesannya dada"

waiter-boy 1:"oh pesennya dada ya bu. sebentar ya bu"

2 minutes later

waiter-boy 2:"bu, ayam bumbu rujaknya yang dada abis. adanya tinggal paha"

me: "loh gimana sih mas. saya barusan liat mas masih bawa-bawa ayam bumbu rujak yang dada pas anterin nasi, kok sekarang abis?!!"

waiter-boy 2:"baru dikasih tau bu abis, adanya tinggal ini".

me: "yang lain ada yang dada ga?"

waiter-boy 2:"yang ada ayam bakar madu dada"

me: "loh gimana sih katanya tadi ayam bakar madunya abis sekarang bilangnya ada"

waiter-boy 2:"oh gitu ya bu, jadi gimana bu?"

me, irritated and hungry: "ya udah deh gimana lagi"

we ate peacefully and then the bill came.... and the avocado juice was included in the bill!!. so I called the waiter boy 2 and said: "mas kok masih ditagih avocadonya?"

waiter-boy 2:"loh ga jadi pesan ya bu?"

upset me with high-pitch voice: "loh yang bilang avocadonya abis khan kalian gimana sih?!!!!!!"

waiter-boy 2:"oh sebentar ya bu"


very very upseting service. what made me upset the most was there was no one word apology came from their mouths. they just say it casually like "okay this is the only food left, you wanna take it or not". huh!
it's too bad i could find the contact number to complaint. ggggrrrrrr.....

this is the logo of the restaurant

Thursday, November 13, 2008

My Wedding Book Design, page 3

Somehow he's able to...

Duuuuuh maaaak....
Within the short distance between my office and IDX building, the taxi driver somehow was able to make me dizzy.
Feel nauseous...

Wednesday, November 12, 2008

Miss You....Miss You Not...

Miss you:
- all my friends, especially kost friends, highschool friends, joki friends, nyarap friends, dept friends, and gajel (gak jelas) friends
- food: indomie goreng keju, cireng, mi ayam kampong, donat kampong, es krim kampong, bawal bakar, kampus food: aliong, petojo, padang . slurrrpsss... glegh...
- pirated dvd movie
- blue bird
- kerokan/lalaoke (karaoke)
- my small room

Miss you not:
- traffic jam
- debu
- bumpy road without sidewalk
- goverment and their-not-important-policy like ruu pornography...geh!
- angkot2, bus2 and motor2 terkutuk yang ga bisa tertib itu
- preman2 pemalas tukang nagih parkir
- blackouts

Tuesday, November 11, 2008

Is Kakashi dead?

Attention: Naruto's heavy spoiler.
If you haven't read til the at least chapter 423, you better not reading through this post.

Can anyone tells me Naruto's spoiler?
I just read the last episode (chapter 424) that Hayate Kakashi is taking his last breath.
He is my favorite :(
Please please let him live......

Monday, November 10, 2008

Feed your wedding photographer!

Wedding Photographer: "Okay, now open the veil."
The groom opened the veil as instructed
Wedding Photographer: "Okay good.. and then kiss the bride"
The groom kissed the bride on the forehead as instructed
Wedding Photographer: "Okay... now is the bride's turn. Put the croissant on the right side of the groom suit"
Bridesmaid: "Croissant??? Corsage!!!"

Overheard by the bridesmaid, Novotel Hotel, Bogor.

Dedicated for Anthony and Karlina. Congratulations you guys!

Tuesday, November 04, 2008

Making a Leap

Last Friday, I submitted my resignation letter, and after being postponed by my manager (collaborated with my division manager), my manager finally has given up and wished me for the best.
I haven't met my division manager yet, the truth is I'm avoiding her.. ppsstttt...
Worrying that I'll change my mind because of her persuasion (with deadly force of course kekekek).
I even haven't told my successor to be about it. I'm afraid that she would tell her boss (definitely) and then her boss would tell Ibu and mbak Tini. *bakal mati kutu*

Now I feel a bit relieve but not fully, thanks to my manager who assured me that my exit interview will be done by Babeh SEF. Duhh I'll be dead for sure.
Cross my finger and pray so he will be very-very super duper busy after he gets back from Amrik.

The truth is, it was filled with mixed emotion and a lot of consideration before I took a step to my manager desk and informed him that I want to resign from this company. But I thought that this is it. This is the time to make a leap. Now that everything is falling into its place, my outstanding projects are closing down, my projects are never been this few, and also my marriage preparation is almost finish. The only bad timing is the damn crisis.

Soon, I'll be very busy with packing (lousy at it) and another typical moving stuff. My poor fiance will have a bad time (I guarantee it) in helping me packing my what-he-called-useless-garbage stuff. I love that stuff. Let it go :D

So if you want to donate boxes or give me tips on how to move to another country effectively, just shoot. I'll hear ya...

Monday, November 03, 2008

Hamilton snatches glory

I just knew this afternoon, after my boyfriend, the 'crazy-f1-biggest-fans' told me that Hamilton won the world champion after a tense-dramatic-last lap, when he finally overtook Glock and crossed the line at fifth. And that making him the youngest world champion in history. My friend even said that Massa was crying.
Hamilton, still behind Glock when Massa finished his lap, but Glock didn't change his tyres even though the rain was falling, and that help open Hamilton's chance to win the title.

Sorry guys, can not understand this euphoria.
For me, it's just a wasting fuel, money, and dangerous non-sport.

Got Irritated

I got irritated this morning. It's been quite a long time since I got irritated this easily. The reason is very simple, because the client, the sales director, was asking questions repeatedly and yet he didn't give us enough chances to answer those.
I hate that kind of people!!
I mean, what the point of asking, if you don't want to listen the answer???
Before asking, I think the questioner should be prepare that he/she must spend enough time to hear the answer or else just hold the question for yourself
Bawel, brisik, nanya mulu, bolot, ngeyel....