In a world full of bit and byte, there is a couple who has trouble. Apparently, after fighting constantly , their relationship is having a downside, and it getting worse with an affair made by one of them, which in this case is the man. Currently, they are fighting to stabilize the jeopardy relationship back to normal, of course with some of conditions both parties agreed. First condition is the other girl must go and the other condition is the girl must try to behave more nicely.
Even though I only hear half side of the story, however it makes me wonder is it possible an affair considered as an appropriate things to do under some circumstances? Or an affair is just an affair and will always be an affair no matter for what reason.
Although many relationships recovered from this problem, is it possible to completely heal the scar? While it’s hard enough to forgive the affair, can we really forget the affair? How much time do we need to feel secure again every minute or every second when your partner not around? Can you be sure, that you will not wonder your partner will do the same thing in the future? Once a cheater will always be a cheater, people said. So what the meaning of forgive when you are not able to forget?
Think also about the third person involved. If a couple wants to continue their relationship, this person must go. Is it better to end the affair right away without considered their feelings or end the affair slowly and hurt them even more?
Personally, I can say out loud that I will not accept any affair, but when this problem comes to hit me, what am I going to do? Am I sure that I will act like what I believe in? Or I’ll be blinded by my own feeling. It’s always a fifty-fifty chance nobody knows. After all, love means never having to say you’re sorry…right?

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Thursday, July 07, 2005
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