Thursday, August 28, 2008

Pictures of Aston Denpasar, Bali

Here are some of the pictures about our Hotel in Bali, Aston Denpasar.
I got it from their web.

The room

The Living Room

Next time I will upload our pictures of the Hotel.

Bali, Island of God, Day 1

At last I go to Bali for the first time. As an Indonesian but never been there, it's such a shame. Anyway, I go to Bali to do my pre-wedding photo shoot. Hurray. I spent 5 days and 4 nights there, and no I did not spend all of my days there to do the photo shoot. Even though if I could, I would! I'm that narcissist *blush*

Arrived on 21 August 2008.

After we met Pak Made (our pick up guy) we went to the Hotel to put our belongings, which is 36.6 kilos by the way. "We" = me and my fiance. Of course I would be dead for sure if I did not include him in our pre-wedding photo shoot. We got Aston Denpasar hotel as part of our deal with the photographer (FnG, Faith and Grace, Managed by Edward Suhadi). The hotel is new, still in soft opening promo so it's very clean and the staffs were excellent. Strongly suggested.

After that, I went to Evy room's (my make up artist/marketing of FnG) to have my make up put on while Hengky (you know who, yes he is my fiance) taking a bath.

Our first photo shoot was in our bedrooms which was by then covered with our clothes. (Jualan kali ye). The theme was picking each other clothes. Still "malu-malu" deh.
Since I did not eat anything but milo yesterday, and only ate little sandwich on the plane my stomach growled like Alec Azam (dah nonton WALL-E blum?), so we got out from the hotel to find a nice place to eat.

Unfortunately, Bali was still on Galungan holiday. Many restaurants were closed and we ended up eating in the middle of no where and ate Ayam Betutu. Sorry, can not give more information, too hungry to think. The food was just okay but very fulfilling to my empty stomach.

Next stop was Sukawati. Me, the girl who loves colour and shopping, went crazy. Nothing new. We took a lot of photos there, by looking at a glance on them, they seem fantastic.

It was 4 PM already, so we went to the Nusa Dua beach. So excited! Beach... beach...beach...
We changed our clothes inside of the car (believe me, starting from that moment I'm truly appreciate magician who can change clothes inside of small cupboard). We put down our sandals, headed to the beach., and.... no idea how to pose. It's a beach for God's sake. Nothing there but water and the sand. So, Victor and Hendry (our photographers) told us patiently what to do. They even did a sweet and romantic holding hand pose. We lost our volley ball on that moment. Haha. :D

A bit tired and hengky started to catch a cold, so we went to eat at Rumours. We were told that Angel Hair Pasta is recomended by Edward. Therefore 3 Angel Hairs, 1 Fetucinni, and 1 Lasagna were ordered. The cheft must be cacthing and collecting the angels first, because we waited quite some times there. And then the food came. After I ate it, I decided to rename the food back to the original name I supposed. Mi Swa Goreng. FYI, Rumours' motto is "what you hear is true" so trust this one, Mi Swa Goreng, no kidding!

We went back to the hotel after that, asked for our welcome drink (ga mo rugi banget sih), took a bath, put on a lot of cajuput oil (kembung bok dari pantai) and while me sleep like a baby, hengky is stil sroot...sroot...sroot...

Day 1, finished.

Not going home on Lebaran

I don't think I can go home on Lebaran this year. Instead, I will ask my mother to come to Jakarta. The train tickets are all sold out within 3-4 minutes after the locket opens. This happens every year and I don't see any significant improvement from the government to make the transportation better, which is ridiculous. Actually, it's getting worse and harder for us to get the tickets.

Fact that passengers are increasing within every year should be anticipated by the transportation department. I heard many people came to the station a day before the opening day. People who came in the morning would not get any chance of getting the ticket. No matter how early you were.

One word: Payaaaaaaah!

PS: Just got an update, the ticket price is sky rocket high. More than 150% than the usual. Haiya..

Wednesday, August 27, 2008

Berjalan dengan Tongkat

Karena suatu kecelakaan, seorang kepala desa tidak dapat lagi menggunakan kakinya. Maka ia berjalan dengan alat penopang. Lama kelamaan ia dapat berjalan dengan cepat - bahkan ia dapat berdansa dan melingkar-lingkar untuk menghibur tetangga-tetangganya.

Lalu ia mendapat gagasan untuk melatih anak-anaknya menggunakan alat penopang. Dalam waktu singkat berjalan dengan penopang menjadi lambang kedudukan yang tinggi di desa itu dan semua orang menggunakannya.

Sampai pada keturunan keempat tidak ada seorang pun di desa itu dapat berjalan tanpa penopang. Sekolah di desa itu memasukkan mata pejalaran "Alat penopang - Teori - Praktek" mata pelajarannya, dan tukang kayu di desa itu menjadi terkenal karena mutu alat penopang yang mereka hasilkan. Bahkan dibicarakan kemungkinan untuk mengembangkan alat penopang listrik, yang digerakkan baterei.

Pada suatu hari pemuda Turki menghadap para penatua desa dan bertanya mengapa semua orang harus berjalan dengan penopang padahal Allah telah memberikan kaki kepada manusia untuk berjalan. Para penatua desa itu merasa geli karena orang baru ini merasa lebih bijaksana daripada mereka. Maka mereka memutuskan untuk memberi pelajaan kepadanya. Mereka berkata, “Mengapa engkau tidak menunjukkan caranya kepada kami?””

“Baik”, kata pemuda itu.

Acara pertunjukkan ditentukan akan diadakan pada jam 10.00 hari Minggu berikutnya di lapangan desa. Ketika pemuda itu berjalan terpincang-pincang dengan alat penopang ke tengah lapangan, semua orang berada disana. Dan ketika jam desa menunjukkan pukul sepuluh, pemuda itu berdiri tegak dan menanggalkan alat penopangnya. Gerombolan orang itu terdiam saat ia melangkah maju dengan berani – dan jatuh tertelungkup.

Dengan itu semua orang semakin diyakinkan bahwa sungguh tidak mungkin berjalan tanpa bantuan alat penopang.

Doa Sang Katak 2, Anthony de Mello Sj.

New English Teacher

I had a new English teacher yesterday. His name is Paul. My formerly teacher is Peter. Maybe they exchange the teacher due to our protest. Most of the student said that Peter is a very nice guy, but he teaches by the book. So we feel no significant improvement in our poor English.

My company's HRD person make us to vote between them, and apart from the abstain people, Paul is definitely the winner.

I'm gonna miss Peter though, he is a very nice guy. But I'm looking forward to attending Paul's class. Paul can speak Indonesia, and I found it amusing to hear "bule" speaks Indonesia fluently in funny accent also. Hehehe...

Mencontoh Raja

Ketika "Messiah" karangan Handel untuk pertama kalinya dipertunjukkan di London, raja hadir. Ia begitu terbuai oleh perasaan religius ketika paduan suara menyanyikan bagian Alleluia, sehingga di luar kebiasaan ia bediri hening penuh horman terhadap karya besar yang sedang ia nikmati.

Ketika melihat ini, para bangsawan yang hadir di sana mengikuti raja dan berdiri juga. Itu menjadi tanda bagi para hadirin yang lain untuk berdiri.

Sejak saat itu, dianggap suatu keharusan untuk berdiri setiap kali Alleluia dinyanyikan, tanpa peduli seperti apakah sikap batin orang yang mendengarkan atau mutu pembawaannya.

Doa Sang Katak 2, Anthony de Mello Sj.


Fiuhh finally, after waiting and waiting and hoping every Wednesday, I was able to watch WALL-E on August 14 at Senayan City.
The movie did fulfill my expectation on everything. The funny part, the animation part and the story part and of course the short story part. Presto and alec azam. Maybe my judgment is a bit subjective here, since the long waiting has blurred my vision.

Anyway, in this blog I'm not going to talk about the movie, it's too long and you can find better version of story telling in wikipedia. So, feeling so wise I'm going to talk about inspirations or moral story I get from the movie:
  1. Each person has different things he/she valued. For wall-e the box is more valuable the diamond rings. Even though the diamond is as big as Krupp Diamond. Not for me though, I'll definitely keep the ring. May be it's because WALL-E is male xixixixixi.
  2. Never give up even when you feel alone or when you feel your job is a never ending problem. Just keep doing what you do best. In this movie WALL-E is literally alone, yet he still compacting the trash into small cubes. WALL-E jia you!
  3. Be wise and learn to compromise depending on the situation. Basically EVE is programmed to shut down every time she detects a plant and return it to the AXIOM. But when she sees WALL-E's live in danger, she chooses to ignore the program to save WALL-E. How sweet..... If a robot can have feeling, why can't we human?
  4. Be one of a kind, look around, don't just do things just because it's a customarily, or you'll end up like people in AXIOM. Learn from M-O, he follows his passion in cleanliness and learns to act on his own accord. FYI, M-O is my favorite character... so cute ^o^
  5. Do it yourself. If you want to accomplish something, do it yourself, don't tell others to do your job, it won't work 100% like you want it to be done. When human want to clean the earth, they have to be part of it. Ordering WALL-Es while having a fabulous time in AXIOM won't work.
Well, I think that's it. I can't think anything else. The other moral story of the movie is too cliche to mention. Things like:
  1. Global warming, and watch your trash or we'll end up polluted the earth too much, we can stay there anymore.
  2. Fight for your believe, even though you may crushed because of it.
  3. Etc etc.....

Friday, August 15, 2008

Favorites Movies

Favorites movies in random order are:
  1. Lord of The Ring: Fellowship of the ring A+
  2. Lord of The Ring: Two Towers A+
  3. Lord of The Ring: Return of The King A+
  4. Matrix A
  5. Matrix: Reloaded A+
  6. Matrix: Revolution A
  7. Minority Report A+
  8. Pirates of Caribean: The Curse of Black Pearl A+
  9. Pirates of Caribean: Dead Man Chest A
  10. Pirates of Caribean: At World's End A
  11. The Last Samurai A+
  12. Forrest Gump A+
  13. Face Off A+
  14. The Incridibles A
  15. Wall-E A
  16. Star Wars I: The Phantom Menace A
  17. Star Wars II: Attack of The Clones A+
  18. Star Wars III: Revenge of The Sith A
  19. Star Wars IV: A New Hope A
  20. Star Wars V: Empire Strikes Back A+
  21. Star Wars VI: Return of The Jedi A
  22. X- Men B
  23. X2: United B
  24. X3: The Last Stand B
  25. Walk in the Cloud B
  26. Addicted to Love B
  27. Emperor's New Groove B
  28. Lion King B
  29. Ice Age B
  30. Madagascar B
  31. The Dark Knight B