Friday, January 30, 2009
Got Reserved!
I'm planning to fill it up with my portfolio. Hmm.......
Wait and see y'all..
Thursday, January 29, 2009
Me, Gifted (2.3% of test takers) ..shy shy shy..
Here is the result that sent to my email:
Dear Ariyani Rahayu,
Thank you for your interest in the test at IQTest.com.
Your general IQ score is: 132
The Team at IQTest.com
This is the chart:
Intelligence Interval | Cognitive Designation |
40 - 54 | Severely challenged (Less than 1% of test takers) |
55 - 69 | Challenged (2.3% of test takers) |
70 - 84 | Below average |
85 - 114 | Average (68% of test takers) |
115 - 129 | Above average |
130 - 144 | Gifted (2.3% of test takers) |
145 - 159 | Genius (Less than 1% of test takers) |
160 - 175 | Extraordinary genius |
Okay, so if any of you want to take the test for fun, you can click here and let me know the result. If yours is above 160, than you must be Sharon Stone! Rumor has it that she got 160 IQ, well in case you didn't know.
Thursday, January 22, 2009
American Idol 8: SFA Audition
After waiting a whole week to watch another episode of Amidol... I just felt disappointed.
All I can remember is the guy who sang smoke gets in your eyes and bohemian rhapsody. Both of them are pretty good, but I like the smoke guy more.
Guess the smoke guy gonna last long, since their already filming ehm i mean exploiting his family especially his sick mommy.
There were suppose to be another 3 contestants who got the golden ticket, but I can remember their name. Their audition clip were way too short...
Oh btw, I remember another contestant, the girl with scary laugh from Puerto Rico. Not liking her either... sorry...
Wednesday, January 21, 2009
Mensa Quiz
This is the mensa quiz and you know me always interested in this kind of quiz, so I take it.
Well the result is somewhat intelligent since i only able to answer 9.
Here is the quiz and the complete answer. Try to answer by yourself and see the correct answer by highlighting it
Note: the red cryptics are the one I can answer correctly without cheating
No. | Cryptic | Answer |
0 | 24 H in a D | 24 hours in a day |
1 | 26 L of the A | 26 letters of the alphabet |
2 | 7 D of the W | 7 days of the week |
3 | 7 W of the W | 7 wonders of the world |
4 | 12 S of the Z | 12 signs of the zodiac |
5 | 66 B of the B | 66 books of the bible |
6 | 52 C in a P (WJs) | 52 cards in a pack (without jokers) |
7 | 13 S in the USF | 13 stripes in the united states flag |
8 | 18 H on a G C | 18 holes on a golf course |
9 | 39 B of the O T | 39 books of the old testament |
10 | 5 T on a F | 5 toes on a foot |
11 | 90 D in a R A | 90 degrees in a right angle |
12 | 3 B M (S H T R) | 3 blind mice (see how they run) |
13 | 32 is the T in D F at which W F | 32 is the temperature in degrees fahrenheit at which water freezes |
14 | 15 P in a R T | 15 players in a rugby team |
15 | 3 W on a T | 3 wheels on a tricycle |
16 | 100 C in a R | 100 cents in a rand |
17 | 11 P in a F (S) T | 11 players in a football (soccer) team |
18 | 12 M in a Y | 12 months in a year |
19 | 13=UFS | 13 is unlucky for some |
20 | 8 T on a O | 8 tentacles on a octopus |
21 | 29 D in F in a L Y | 29 days in february in a leap year |
22 | 27 B in the N T | 27 books in the new testament |
23 | 365 D in a Y | 365 days in a year |
24 | 13 L in a B D | 13 loaves in a bakers dozen |
25 | 52 W in a Y | 52 weeks in a year |
26 | 9 L of a C | 9 lives of a cat |
27 | 60 M in a H | 60 minutes in a hour |
28 | 23 P of C in the H B | 23 pairs of chromosomes in the human body |
29 | 64 S on a C B | 64 squares on a chess board |
30 | 9 P in S A | 9 provinces in south africa |
31 | 6 B to an O in C | 6 balls to an over in cricket |
32 | 1000 Y in a M | 1000 years in a millenium |
33 | 15 M on a D M C | 15 men on a dead mans chest |
Monday, January 19, 2009
Science and Religion
Got this from Joke of The Day. The colored sentences are the reason why I upload this into my blog.
The red one is because I hear this sentence all the time from so many people until I feel I can't stand it anymore. The green one is because I wonder what they're gonna react when I give this as an answer ahaha. The blue one is because this is what all of us people should be. Smart and exploring science, accepting and not ignoring the fact, yet never lost a grip on faith. Then maybe world will become a better place for us.
Science and Religion...
The following is supposedly an actual question given on a University of Washington chemistry mid-term. The answer by one student was so "profound" that the professor shared it with colleagues, which is, of course, why we now have the pleasure of enjoying it as well.
Bonus Question: Is Hell exothermic (gives off heat) or endothermic (absorbs heat)? Most of the students wrote proofs of their beliefs using Boyle's Law (gas cools when it expands and heats when it is compressed) or some variant. One student, however, wrote the following:
First, we need to know how the mass of Hell is changing in time. So we need to know the rate at which souls are moving into Hell and the rate at which they are leaving. I think that we can safely assume that once a soul gets to Hell, it will not leave. Therefore, no souls are leaving. As for how many souls are entering Hell, let's look at the different Religions that exist in the world today. Most of these religions state that if you are not a member of their religion, you will go to Hell. Since there is more than one of these religions and since people do not belong to more than one religion, we can project that all souls go to Hell. With birth and death rates as they are, we can expect the number of souls in Hell to increase exponentially. Now, we look at the rate of change of the volume in Hell because Boyle's Law states that in order for the temperature and pressure in Hell to stay the same, the volume of Hell has to expand proportionately as souls are added.
This gives two possibilities:
1. If Hell is expanding at a slower rate than the rate at which souls enter Hell, then the temperature and pressure in Hell will increase until all Hell breaks loose.
2. If Hell is expanding at a rate faster than the increase of souls in Hell, then the temperature and pressure will drop until Hell freezes over.
So which is it? If we accept the postulate given to me by Teresa during my Freshman year that, "it will be a cold day in Hell before I sleep with you," and take into account the fact that I slept with her last night, then number 2 must be true, and thus I am sure that Hell is exothermic and has already frozen over.
The corollary of this theory is that since Hell has frozen over, it follows that it is not accepting any more souls and is therefore, extinct...leaving only Heaven thereby proving the existence of a divine being...
My fufu is crashed! Attention to all AVG user!
This is the sad story....
PS: I named my laptop fufu short from fujitsu
Saturday night, 2 days ago, I watched episode 11 of The Desperate Housewives. Yes I know, I'm 2 episodes left behind, that's why I was very excited to watch it. FYI, I don't like to be interrupted while I am watching movies. I usually ignore the interruption or snap at it.
There were two interruptions that night. One is my mother's questions (Dont ask me, forget the questions already), and the second one is from AVG. My anti virus kept popping the error message saying that my laptop got infected by some kind of virus. Since I can not and dare not to ignore or snap at the first interruption, I pay less attention to the second one. First I set the AVG to heal the infected object, but then it showed me another message saying the object can not be healed. Then I set the AVG to move the object to the vault, but then another message displayed.
Irritated, I ticked the option to remove the object using power user. That's my friend, my biggest mistake!! Because, after my laptop was restarted, I couldnot login into it. The laptop kept logging me off automatically.
Never ever ticked to remove the object using power user. Apparently, AVG made a mistake by recognising some windows file as viruses.
Read the news here:
The vendor even apoligize (http://tekno.kompas.com/read/xml/2008/11/17/10182272/Vendor.Sekuriti.AVG.Minta.Maaf.)
Until now I haven't solved this problem, but I already begged my sweet dearest fiance to come and fix it tonight. Well, cross my finger and hoping for the best.
I'll update with the solution later.
Friday, January 16, 2009
Manga Reviews: Kocchimuite Miiko! aka Hi Miiko!
Finally.. after more than a month I am able to read Kocchimuite Miiko! 19
Before my departure, I begged my dear friend Susan to buy this manga for me. Thanks Susan!
This manga is one of my favourite manga ever. I was introduced to this manga by friend only about 2 years ago. I'm immedialy falling in love with this series and started to collect them. I am a very picky manga collector. I never collect manga that I don't really like. Every now and then I used to read the books over and over again (Yes you are correct, I brought these babies to Singapore!)
The reason why I like it so much is mainly because of the story. The ideas of the story are very simple, honest and yet touching. They're based on daily live experiences, which most of us experienced during our childhood time. Trust me, when you read this, you’ll often giggle and realize “oh, I’ve been there before”. It teaches and reminds us the pureness of children we once before.
Mrs. Ono Eriko, if you are reading this, I really like your book. I think you've done a fantastic job! Thank you for 'giving birth' to Miiko.
Score: A, Very highly recommended.
Mangaka: Ono Eriko
This is the sequel for series Miiko Desu! aka Namaku Miiko (Book 1 - 4). Both series tell about the daily live of 5th grade student named Miiko, including her friends, family and of course her love live!
Got his description from Anime News Network
I think this is a short but very accurate description for this manga.
This is a cute simple story about one cute little girl named miiko. The story was tell about her dad, her mom, her perfect and mature little brother named mamoru, her love hate relationship with a cute boy named tappei, her cat (this cat also belong to tappei, they found and decided to adopted together, so it was their cat actually) named miiko--yeah, same name with miiko the lead character, this name given by tappei mom's, indeed sweet.--her selfish but everlasting friend named mari-chan, her motherly friend named yuuko, her rival for competing tappei named miiho, her secret (now not secret anymore) admirer named yoshida, her classmates, her school day, her holiday, her cheer day, her gloomy day, her happiness, her sadness, her love, her pure and innocent life
Yamada Family
Yamada Miiko
She is the main character. She is the first child of the family. An honest, kind and cheerful little girl. She lets her feeling shows up in the open. Even though she is not top ranked at class or talented in anything peculiar, she is very loyal and care to her friend. She is a bit lazy especially when compared to her brother Mamoru. Almost forget, she eats a lot despite her small figure.
Miiko has 2 guys competing to win her heart. The first one is Eguchi Tapei and second one is Yoshida. Deep in her bottom heart, she likes Tapei, despite they are fighting most of the time.
Yamada Mamoru
Miiko's younger brother. He is one year younger than his sister. He has a very cute and popular girlfriend named Yukaa Chan. He is smart, diligent, sensible and responsible. Everything that Miiko is not. He also bullied by Miiko when relating to food. His love competitor is Shinji.
Yamada Momochan
Miiko's baby sister. Just born in book 19.
Miiko's Parent.
Both of Miiko's parents are working in journalism or something related to that. Her father is working for a sport tabloid (i think) and her mother is a manga editor (how cool is that?). Miiko's mother is pictured to be less patient than her husband.
School Friends
Shimura Mari
One of Miiko's best friend. She likes to draw manga and dreaming to become famous manga author, but up until now, she still facing a lot of criticism for her work.
Ogawa Yuuko (Yuko)
One of Miiko's best friend. She is smart, top ranked girl in class, pretty, calm and responsible. She take cares her 4 siblings when their parents are at work. She has a boyfriend Satou Kenta.
Eguchi Tapei
He is the type of boy who cannot express his feeling. He likes Miiko since the beginning of the book, but finds it hard to express his feeling to her. Instead, he likes to tease her and makes her angry. He gets irritated and jealous every time Miiko is with Yoshida.
Apparently, he's quite popular in school especially among the girls, since his locker is usually full with chocolate given by anonymous girl fans every Valentine day. His biggest admirer is Miho Tanimura.
His parent open a little shop called Lazy Moon. At the beginning, his parents are splitting up, but eventually reunited thanks to Miiko and Tapei.
His best friend is Satou Kenta and he has a cute cat named Miiko.
Tapei is my favorite character.
Satou Kenta
His parents own a bakery name Satou Bakery. He’s often seen in the store helping his parent sell the bread especially at Christmas or another holiday. He is Yuko boyfriend and Tapei best friend. He knows that Tapei likes Miiko but cannot express his feeling, therefore he try to be their match maker. Until now, his efforts bear no fruit.
Yoshida is a mature, smart, top ranked boy at class. He likes Miiko because she is cheerful. Opposite to Tapei, Yoshida doesn’t have a problem expressing his feeling to Miiko. He even asked her on a date before. But unfortunately, Miiko is too ‘polos’ to realize his feeling.
Yoshiki is the geek at class. He is very talented in art. He makes acrylic dinosaur dolls, setting up a diorama and then shoots them using his handy cam. He likes Miho, he even has her picture inside his wallet. But since he knows that Miho likes Tapei, he lets her go and help her pursue Tapei. He got really annoyed and angry when Tapei rejected Miho valentine’s chocolate.
Tanimura Miho
Miho is the pretty girl at school. She loves Tapei deeply, but unfortunately her feeling is not returned. She always considers Miiko as her love enemy. Although, she usually harsh to Yoshiki (her number one fans) sometimes she can be really kind to him.
Yuuka Chan
She is Mamoru girlfriend. She is kind, smart, pretty, and popular girl. She is very loyal to Mamoru. She makes him homemade chocolate pastries every valentine.
There are also lots of other minor characters that I can not mention one by one. Maybe some other time or you can ask me directly.
American Idol 8: Kansas Audition
Could be there is another winner here?
Here is the recap (incomplete as usual as based on my memory only)
Very straight-hair girl.. you know the one who sand leona lewis song co-wrote by mr. cowell himself.
Why: her voice is really, really, really good.
Angelina jolie lips look alike aka the one who sand a thousand miles by Vanessa C
Why: i think she has the complete package. She is beautiful, likeable and she has very good
control of her voice. Sounded like a pro.
The guy with the white hat
Why: the white hat. I not really amused with his voice though.
Michael Castro
Why: is hard not to remember him. He as a pink hair, he is the younger brother of Jason Castro last season contestant. I think he’s just okay. Jason is way better
India Morrison
Why: because of her sister. A sister who’s Simon Cowell never has. Haha. I think she has a nice voice, very typical Afro-American. Boy, do Afro-Americans born with gift of sound or what. Beyonce, Whitney, love their voice!
Crying Dude
Why: because he looks and moves like Elliot Yamin. Elliot is one of my fave contestant ever.
Crying Dude’s Friend
Why: Because I remember his friend the crying dude. His voice is just okay. Doubt him will survive in the Hollywood week. Sorry.
Anoop Dog aka The guy who studied BBQ
Why: never thought that kind of voice will be able to come from him. Waaaaaay better than Sanjaya.
Marching Band Guy
Why: obvious reason. See the nick name I gave him. Not really into his voice. I think he’s just okay.
Bar singer
Why: he’s bald and big. I picture him with a big Harley Davidson. Who knew his has good voice. Not great though.
Mom of 3.
Why: her controlled voice. She reminds me of Melinda D.
I think Kansas is great, better than Phoenix on average. There are lots of great contestant with great voice and personality. To be honest it was hard for me to pick one to be my fave contestant for this audition. So I’ll choose 5: Straight hair girl, Angelina Jolie lips looks alike, Crying Dude, Indian Guy and Mom of 3.
My Top 3 contestant so far
1. Scott
2. Angelina jolie lips looks alike
3. Straight hair girl
The rest are just too hard for me to order them :P
American Idol 8: Phoenix Audition
Okay, this is the incomplete recap based on Phoenix Audition
Contestants that I remember because of their distinctive audition are:
'The Andrea Bocelli' guy aka Scott Mc something...
why: his voice! his tone is my favorite until now.
Baracuda girl
why: tatoos and high range vocal. somehow she reminded me of callie.. last season contestant, the irish girl, remember?.
A girl wearing something like a cow skin pattern shirt. I think her name is Stevie
why: her voice. nice and controlled
Giant guy
why: I was surprised... his voice and his body doesn't really match.
Bikini girl
why: isn't it obvious? the bikini part. I think she's smart for wearing the bikini. Simon' eyes almost popped out :P and she doesn't sound as bad as anyone would think, but her attitude is
Okay my fave contestant from this audition is Scott!
I will be heart broken if I don't see him in final 12.
I read Rickey.org and just realize there are several great contestants that I forget. Duh my memory sucks.
Tiffany Amber looks alike
why: her voice and personality. she seems very nice.
Orphan contestant.. you know the one who went to audition alone without her family.
why: her voice
Bathroom singing dude
why: a bit geeky, went through even though Simon said no. I'm afraid I have to agree with Mr. Cowell this time
So, additional fave contestant for this episode is: Stevie, Tiffany Amber look alike, and Orphan contestant.
Thursday, January 15, 2009
Body Shop Vitamin C Daily Moisturiser SPF 15

Well this is my review.
- my skin get fairer
- not allergic to my skin
- unclog pores. My black pores are reduced significantly.
- makes my skin very very oily :(
Size: 50.00ml; Price: S$32.90

Btw, before I bought the moisturizer, I got 2 free samples of this. I tried only one capsule, since I have no time recently, and I really love it.
It was not oily (not like the moisturizer) and penetrated my face skin very well. I could swear that right after I applied this serum, for few seconds I saw my face was brighter.
Definitely going to buy this baby.
I need to count my money before though.
28 Capsules; Price: S$42.90
Pics from The Body Shop
The luxury of my life
Yup, two of my friends are getting married.
I've known then since college, and they've been dating not so long after.
I'm really happy for both of them, as the groom, any fool can see how he loves her so much. this must be like a dream come true for him and as for the bride it must be fantastic to be loved that way.
So Yachu and Ayung,
here is a toast for you..
Wishing you a happily ever after.
Tuesday, January 13, 2009
Why CR7 why??

1991—Lothar Matthaeus, Jerman
1992—Marco Van Basten, Belanda
1993—Roberto Baggio, Italia
1994—Romario, Brasil
1995—George Weah, Liberia
1996—Ronaldo, Brasil
1997—Ronaldo, Brasil
1998—Zinedine Zidane, Perancis
1999—Rivaldo, Brasil
2000—Zinedine Zidane, Perancis
2001—Luis Figo, Portugal
2002—Ronaldo, Brasil
2003—Zinedine Zidane, Perancis 2004—Ronaldinho, Brasil
2005—Ronaldinho, Brasil
2006—Fabio Cannavaro, Italia
2007—Kaka, Brasil.
2008—Cristiano Ronaldo, Portugal --> why why why????
Wall-E wins
According to golden globe website, WALL-E hand in hand with Eve kicks Po and Boltz' ass in golden globe award 2009.
I knew this!
Huh... take that people-who-didn't-listen-to-me-to-watch-WALL-E-because-I-said-WALL-E-is-so-much-different-with-(read:-so-much-better-than)-Kungfu-Panda!

Invitation to all the girls
I hate, I repeat, hate those comments.
First, it's not always a shirt sometimes it's a knitwear or a blouse. It's different people!
Second, well, these are the asumptions
- I buy the clothes because I think the clothes look cute
- It is very hard to find a cute basic t-shirt. It's a t-shirt what d yaa expect? Yes, I admit, there tons of cute fashionable shirt, but the cost is a fortune. Since I'm not a director, the dress will waaay overdress for me.
- I spend most of my time in the office. I go there 5 days in a week.
So, when am I supposed to wear all of my clothes? On the weekend? Oh please, give me a break! Weekend has only 2 days and life's too short to have to wear something you don't really like just because you have to.
Women are the numero uno target for the fashion industry. If women only wear t-shirt to the office which is more than 70% of our time, the fashion industry will collaps within seconds and that would be the ultimate armageddon.
No, no, I'm not gonna stop here.
For guys who get jealous because women have the luxury to have wider choice of clothes, I suggest you to let it go!
Tanpa mengurangi rasa hormat dan tidak bermaksud untuk diskriminasi, but Double standard is still common here, so, unless you guys can pull David Beckham, please stick to your t-shirt :P.
The most important thing is what I wear doesn't affect my jobs in a negative way. In fact, they give me positive boost. I'm happy when I wear something I like and when I'm happy I tend to be more productive.
So, unless the girl wears 'kaos oblong bali' or 'kaos encek2 yang lagi cah/goreng kwetiaw' I don't really see a problem here.
Let's campaign for Office Fashion Freedom!
Friday, January 09, 2009
Bake Inc. Mushroom Cheese
Almost everyday I buy their bread for breakfast. And this morning I made a very wise choice when choosing Mushroom cheese bread.
It's DELICIOUS!! The best of mushroom cheese bread I ever have.
I looooveeeeee the juicy, not too salty and a bit sweet mozzarella cheese. It's make the perfect combination with sauteed champignon/button mushroom.
Slurppss glegghh...aaaaaam aaaaaaaaammmm....
Btw, the Bake Inc located just outside the Buangkok MRT.
Delicious Tom Yam @ Smith Street
I decided to go to chinatown to look for something (read: pashmina) and ate at smith street.
We ordered a S$ 6 Tom Yam Soup and S$ 8 Pineapple fried rice from one of Thai stall.
Apparently, you can order and seat anywhere you like there. Since we didn't know this, we sat near the stall in front of british (i think) couple who ordered the dried chilly chicken hotplate. Wuaah the smell of the chicken was very tempting and mouth watering.
Not so long after, our ordered came and it's not bad. Not bad at all.
The soup was clear (I don't like tom yam with coconut milk), salty, fragrant, sour, a bit sweet and very very HOT. Slurpsss...Yummy!
While the pineapple fried rice was only okay for me. Since it's not hot so it felt like they cooked it before so they can save sometime and served it right away when any order is placed.
Definitely going back for more, since the smell of the kungpao chicken haunted me 'til today :P
Wednesday, January 07, 2009
Joey's Bag all over Singapore
Wondering when will my fiance get one, I love to dump all my heavy things into his Joey's Bag.

Monday, January 05, 2009
Poor Dogs...
Just found this article at Kompas.com about wild dogs in Bandung and Bali being hunted and injected to die. The reason is because wild dogs can transmit rabies easily since the cops have found several dogs infected with rabies.
Uninfected dogs will also be killed. Duuuuuuuuhhhhh......
I am not a fan of dogs in general, but this is just sadness not to mention cruel.
Read the full article here http://www.kompas.com/read/xml/2009/01/05/1430117/Dibius.Lalu.Disuntik.Mati
Friday, January 02, 2009
The most delicious food I ate since....
Today, I was treated lunch by my colleague. We ate Thai Food at Lerk Thai Restaurant downstairs.
We ordered Tom Yam clear soup, Red Curry Beef, Pandan Chicken and Pineapple Fried Rice.
To be honest, I was a bit pessimistic about the tom yam soup. I just had terrible experience 2 days ago eating a tom yum fish soup. It's taste like crap! I think they put milk into the Tom Yam Soup, so you can imagine the taste by yourself. Milk + Tom Yam not equal to good combination people.
Back to Lerk Thai..
To my delight the soup was clear (woo hooo!) and when I tasted it hmmmmm............ heavenly!
It's a perfect combination of spicy, salty, sour and a bit of sweet. Definitely the most delicious thing I've ever eaten over here!
The pineapple rice was also a surprise for me. It's taste quite different with the one I used to eat back in Indonesia but it was also nice. They put raisin in the rice but very little pineapple hehehe...The rice also topped with a light sweet of (I'm not sure) chicken floss?
The pandan chicken was okay. But not as good as Thai & I's at Plaza Semanggi.
The red curry beef is a bit of disappointment. I'm not sure whether because I was too full but it's just not my taste.
I'm planning to go there again sometimes to order the dessert (singkong manis). I'll write again later.
Food and Me
- Food with dominant scent: cilantro, fried onion, taugeh (bean sprout), celery, spring onion, bell pepper. Ughh...
- Smelly foods: goat, intenstines (except chicken and paru goreng oke la) and durian.
- Gross thingy: insects, reptiles (i dont eat snake), codot, bat. Yuuuckkss....
- Cute animals: rabbit, birds (exc chicken)
- Not supposed to be eaten animals: cat, horse, dog, deer, turtle, tiger
And yes, I do have somekind of 'rules' of my own about food. First one is I consider a food is different if and only if has different smell, material, cooking method and taste.
So, if you cook vegie cah with garlic, no matter even though you change the vegie (from kailan to caisim to broccoli) for me it's the same food. and the same food bikin gw BOSEN!
Second one is I really hate I repeat HATE it when people add food with dominant scent into my food, because it will make my food smell like the added food and lost its original smell.
Okay for example is if you fried noodle/kwetiaw/bee hoon/vermicelli/mee shua with bean sprout, for me the food doesn't smell like fried noodle anymore. But it smells like TAUGEH GORENG!!!! Yucks! That's why taugeh is one of my blacklisted food.
Not to mention what if all the strong scent food is the main dish, e.g: spring onion or celery cah.. alamaaaaakkkkkkkkkk......... pengsan dah gw....
Ehm... quite a long list eh? but in my defense I eat mostly anything else outside the black list. I eat chicken, seafood, beef, pork, unagi, most of the vegie, I even eat snails once!
I don't have to eat rice, I can live from bread, noodle and it friends
I eat many cuisines from Peranakan, Java, Chinese, Sunda, Betawi, Italian, Japanese, Western, Padang, Menado, Junk Food, and Thai. I eat all of them. I just need them to be rotated. Please? Pretty please with sugar on coat....???
Theory of Taste Evolution
I think, I've reached his limit cause he's starting to babbling back to me hahaha...
He said that I am 'susah makannya' because I bored easily. He also said that he can eat the food that we are eating over over and over again.
Since I don't like to loss an argument over him and I have nothing to do now, so I think I'm gonna make my day as productive as anyone else's by creating this theory.
This theory uses me as a main and only sample. Narcissism, but so what. Old news. I'm gonna do a little survey latter though .
My profile (related with food)
- born in central java by Peranakan Mother and Chinese Father. That's mean Java, Peranakan, Chinese Food.
- went to high school in Bogor and spend more than 10 years in Jakarta. . That's mean Sunda Food, Japanese Food, Italian Food, Padang Food, Junk Food, Betawi Food, Western Food and Thai Food.
Okay, you never truly appreciate what you have until it's gone.
When I lived at bogor, for the first time I developed craving for Peranakan, Java and Chinese Food and when I got back I missed the Sunda, Italian, Japanese Food. Same thing happened after I moved to Jakarta.
See, my taste of food evolves without me realizing it! and now after 13 years it's like a swiss biological clock. I need and must to rotate the food!
So, the First theorem of my theory is
"A person (in this case is someone who enjoy food not just eat-to-live person like you know who) whose surrounded by more than one type of cuisine, tends to rotate the food/eat different type of food (tanpa sadar udah kebiasaan gituuuuuuuh!) alias BOSENAN".
Gimana ...gimanah anak kost lainnya... tul ga? tul ga??...hohohoho
Therefore dear fiance, yes maybe I blacklisted some foods (explain later in the next article) but the main reason why I'm being crankier and grumpier here it's because my body needs time to adjust to eat one type of cuisine everyday! (and sometimes even the same dish for almost two weeks in a row :(( ).
But I don't think I want to adjust my body. Since it's gonna be so sad living only eating one type of cuisine every single day...
Thursday, January 01, 2009
Wedding Book Cover
Hoping this design can be printed in our wedding book.
Cross my finger...