Friday, March 27, 2009
American Idol 8: Top 10 Result
Bottom 3:
My picks: Megan, Michael, Scott
Official Picks: Matt, Michael and Scott
Accuracy: 90%
Voted off:
My picks: Megan
Official Picks: Michael
Accuracy: 25%
Wow I'm suck at this! but i'm very happy with the result. bye michael. Gonna miss you not
Top 11:
Bottom 3:
My picks: Michael, Allison, Alexis
Official Picks: Michael, Allison, Alexis
Accuracy: 100%
Voted off:
My picks: Michael
Official Picks: Alexis
Accuracy: 33%
Top 13:
Bottom 4:
My picks: Megan, Jorge, Anoop, Jasmine
Official picks: Megan, Jorge, Anoop, Jasmine
Accuracy: 100%
Voted off:
My picks: Megan, Jorge
Official Picks: Jorge,Jasmine
Accuracy: 50%
Thursday, March 26, 2009
American Idol 8: Fave performances
Here they are:
1. Adam Lambert - Satisfaction (Group 1)
2. Adam Lambert - Black or White (Top 13, Michael Jackson's Night)
3. Anoop Desai - Always on My Mind (Top 11, Country Night)
4. Adam Lambert - Tracks of My Tears (Top 10, Motown Night)
American Idol 8: Top 10
Bring it on.....
Name : Matt Giraud
Song : “Let’s Get it On”
My thought: Good performance. I love the end part. Not to crazy about the song.
Score: 7/10
Name : Kris Allen
Song : “How Sweet it Is”
My thought: Another surprising performance from Kris the man! yeah! Good not great.
Score: 7/10
Name : Scott MacIntyre
Song : ”You Can’t Hurray Love”
My thought: I love the beginning. Maybe the first 2 lines and hate the rest. I thought it was karaoke and has pitchy problem. For the vocal, Scott was way better last week.
Score: 5/10
Name : Megan Corkrey
Song : “For Once in My Life”
My thought: A 110 percent agree with the judges. It was pitchy, some of the notes are too low while others too high. But the good news is she is very pretty except for the tattoo. Haiyoo laser it off girl!. and dont get me started with the dance moves. I thought it was horrible than the usual.
Score: 4/10
Name : Anoop Desai
Song : “Ohh Baby Baby”
My thought: great vocal but boring.
Score: 7/10
Name : Michael Sarver
Song : “Ain’t Too Proud to Beg”
My thought: Smokey said this song is about a guy begging his girl not to leave. but the way he sang it, it's like he's celebrating his girl leaving! what a weird interpretation. absolutely hate it. yes i do hold personal grudge, because i prefer ricky brady over him! poor ricky!!!!!
Score: 5.5/10
Name : Lil Rounds
Song : “Heatwave”
My thought: the dress compliments her while the hair is not :D. Good okay performance not great. I still dont understand about 'THE best singer ever found' I think there are a lot of other previous contestants who has similar type with lil such as Melinda do Little, Lakisha, Paris, Jennifer Hudson.
Score: 7/10
Name : Adam Lambert
Song : “Tracks of my Tears”
My thought: It was a stop eating hot! fantastic performance. I fell in love with the song instantly. Completely in different league. One of my favorite performance in this season.
Btw, I hate the hair comb!!!
Score: 9/10
Name : Danny Gokey
Song : “Get Ready”
My thought: I'm still drooling over adam's performance so for me danny's performance was just okay. not surprising, not bad just okay
Score: 7/10
Name : Allison Iraheta
Song : “Papa was a Rolling Stone”
My thought: the girl can sing! i think i enjoy her performance more with my eyes closed. She's just looks like 30/40 years old.
Score: 8/10
Top 3: Adam, Adam, Adam... kidding Adam, Allison and I can not decide the 3rd person.
Bottom 3: Megan, Michael, Scott
Pick to go home: Michael but probably Megan.
American Idol 8: Top 11 Result
Official Going Home: Alexis
Whaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaatttttttttt!!!!!!!!!! Nooooooooo!!
Should be Michael!!!
arrrrrrghhhhh I'm so upset
American Idol 8: Top 11
I know...
Udah garing
I know...
Anyway here it is:
Name : Michael Sarver
Song : Ain’t Goin’ Down Till the Sun Comes Up
My Thought: Hate the performance. I think he was grumbling instead of singing. I hope he goes home.
Score: 5/10
Name : Allison Iraheta
Song : Blame It on Your Heart
My thought: Okay she can sing. I think it was good not great. Not wow me away.
Score: 6/10
Name : Kris Allen
Song : To Make You Feel My Love
My thought: I'm sorry Kris for making a prediction you will be voted off soon back then. Now I don't think it's going to happen. It was good. He is growing.
Score: 7/10
Name : Lil Rounds
Song : Independence Day
My thought: I like it. Not jumping off my seat but I appreciate that she 'the R&B' girl sing country.
Score: 7/10
Name : Adam Lambert
Song : Ring Of Fire
My thought: I dont like the moves. I think the moves should be done by a girl not a guy. Anyway, not bad. Actually I was hoping I will be able to see Adam singing country. So I was a bit disappointed. The aaaaaaahhhhhhh ahahaaaa aaaaaaaahhhhh ahahaaaaa in the end was really cool. What I like about him is he always on pitch!
Score: 7/10
Name : Scott MacIntyre
Song : Wild Angels
My thought: The vocal was great. But to be honest I'm starting to get bored with his choice of song. It's so typical.
Score: 7/10
Name : Alexis Grace
Song : Jolene
My thought: Hate it. Very bad choice of song. I can only hear Jolene Jolene Jolene Jolene...... Not space for improvisation. Pitchy
Score: 6/10
Name : Danny Gokey
Song : Jesus Take The Wheel
My thought: Nggg... I thought nobody can sing it like carrie's. I dont like it. A bit pitchy in some notes. But his fans will save him.
Score: 6.5/10
Name : Anoop Desai
Song : You Were Always On My Mind
My thought: I absolutely love it. I love the song I always do. I love his intepretation, his tone. Everything is perfect. Love it. Great job Anoop!
Score: 8/10
Name : Megan Corkrey
Song : I Go Walking After Midnight
My thought: Megan? with flu? I thought it would be horrible, but I was pleasantly surprised. It was nice. Maybe because she's not feeling that well, she didn't do what my fiance called a back singer dancing :D
Score: 7/10
Name : Matt Giraud
Song : So Small
My thought: I think it was good and I agree with Simon. Matt outsang Danny tonight.
Score: 7.5/10
Bottom 3:
Michael Sarver, Allison and Alexis
Pick to go home: Michael !!!! go home Michael .
Tuesday, March 17, 2009
Akhir-akhir ini........
I've been dragging my ass off keliling-keliling Tanjong Pagar and enter every possible bridal boutique trus duduk dengan manis mendengarkan celotehan manis para sales soal wedding package yang mereka sediain sambil terkadang tertawa tercekikik karena ada beberapa sales yang lucu banget jadi karena sibuk ketawa ga perhatiin gaun yang seharusnya merupakan focus utama. *duuh*
Akhir-akhir ini...
My appetite menggila... jadi kalo biasanya dah makan kyk babi kelaparan sekarang kyk babi gila kelaparan... laper mulu... mungkin karena capek keliling-keliling sampe malem. kayaknya bentar lagi Vincci nya minta pensiun.
Akhir-akhir ini...
Merasa kyk maen film 27 dresses karena sibuk nyobain baju mulai dari yang super ringan kyk peri sampe yang berat kyk baby killer whale. Yang model mermaid sampai jalannya harus kyk Ariel si putri duyung sampe yang model balon dimana hengky bisa ngumpet dibaliknya dengan leluasa.
*Bakalan berlangsung lama nih karena sampe sekarang belum nemu-nemu 'the dress' *
Akhir-akhir ini...
Mendapatkan byk kosakata baru. Organsa, garter *bener ga ya nulisnya* dan byk kosakata lain lagi yang terlupakan karena kita belum minum gibolan dan ginko biloba
Akhir-akhir ini...
I've been busy mempertimbangkan dengan penuh perasaan mo foto pre-wed lagi ga ya... disatu sisi pelit, disisi lain susah banget menekan gejolak banci foto yang terpendam.....
Akhir-akhir ini...
Surfing the internet endlessly looking for a cheap, cozy venue with fantastic food for ROM. Sadly belum ketemu sampe sekarang. ihikksss...any idea anybody?
Akhir-akhir ini...
Suka bengong di MRT karena sibuk mencari ide for my wedding invitation...
*kok akhir akhir ini jarang nemu contekan ya*
Akhir-akhir ini...
Gak sempet nulis blog for all above reasons
American Idol 8: Top 13 Result
I haven't post the off result?? OMG.....*basi kali*
Official Result:
Bottom 4: Anoop, Megan, Jorge and Jasmine
Voted off: Jorge and Jasmine
I wish it was Megan instead of Jorge
Hiks... bye Jorge
Wednesday, March 11, 2009
American Idol 8: Top 13
Song : The Way You Make Me Feel
My Thought: She's definitely a good singer, don't know why but I've not been feeling it. Good singer, great pitch but why can't I feel the 'it' factor. Maybe it’s because of the song. Btw, absolutely agree with Mr. Cowell. Hate the outfit. I think she's safe.
Score: 7/10
Name : Scott MacIntyre
Number : 1-866-idols-02
Song : Keep The Faith
My Thought: I don't like the song. The vocal was way better than the hollywood. I think he's safe.
Score: 7/10
Name : Danny Gokey
Number : 1-866-idols-03
Song : Pretty Young Thing
My Thought: I thought since it was started a bit slow, it's going to be boring, but mr. dewey look alike nailed it. I love everything, including the hideous dancing, for me the dancing was spontaneous and according with the song. Well done!. He's definitely safe.
Score: 8/10
Name : Michael Sarver
Number :1-966-idols-04
Song : You Are Not Alone
My Thought: I don’t like this dude. The way he sings irritates me, I don’t know why. Anyway, the performance was way better than I thought it would be. I’m not sure whether he’ll be safe or not.
Score: 6/10
Name : Jasmine Murray
Number : 1-866-idols-05
Song : I’ll Be There
My thought: it was started really well, but as the song was progressing there was no element of surprise. Feeling a bit of karaoke.
Score: 6/10
Name : Kris Allen
Number : 1-866-idols-06
Song : Remember the Time
My thought: I was a bit surprise. I originally thought he’s going to be the first one to be voted off. I don’t think that will be the case though. The girls are crazy for him. For me the performance was okay. He showed a very different side with his guitar on. He could be safe.
Score: 6.5/10
Name : Allison Iraheta
Number : 1-866-idols-07
Song : Give In To Me
My Thought: how old is the girl? 16? Really? She looks like she’s 30 plus :P Okay I get the “I-know-what-kind-of-artist-i-wanna-be” but I’m a bit bored. She sings the same song with the same style. It feels like she can’t do any kind of song. Sorry Alison fans.
Score: 6.5/10
Name : Anoop Desai
Number : 1-866-idols-08
Song : Beat It
My thought: it was not as bad as the judges thought. But it was not good either. I’m worried about him.
Score: 6/10
Name : Jorge Nuñez
Number : 1-866-idols-09
Song : Never Can Say Goodbye
My thought: poor Jorge, this could be his last performance. The song doesn’t suit him at all. The performance was pitchy and disconnected. See ya Jorge.
Score: 5.5/10
Name : Megan Corkrey
Number 1-866-idols-10
Song : Rockin Robin
My thought: As my prediction last week, megan repeat her moves :P I felt like I was watching the show from 60’s. Btw, Mr. Cowell got bored faster than my prediction :P. she’s never will be a great singer, unique yes, great no. Bye Megan. Oh, I forget to mention that I love her dress, and I really think she is really pretty. Not amused with the tattoo though.
Score: 5.5/10
Name : Adam Lambert
Number : 1-866-idols-11
Song : Black or White
My thought: Fantastic! Perfect song choice. Since I notice the make up artists toned down the make up, I found him a bit chubby. I love his voice. He reminds me of Stephen Tyler.
Score: 8/10
Name : Matt Giraud
Number : 1-866-idols-12
Song : Human Nature
My Though: Poor Matt. He got to perform after Adam which the judges are still drooling over. He’s good though, too much falsetto for me.
Score: 7.5/10
Name : Alexis Grace
Number : 1-866-idols-36
Song : Dirty Diana
My thought: She’s pretty and I like her attitude. The vocal not so great though, a bit shouty on the high notes.
Score: 7/10
Please be advised that I pick based on the feeling I get after I saw performance not only singing ability.
My top two: Adam Lambert, Danny Gokey
My bottom three: Jorge, Megan, Jasmine
I wish to be voted off are: megan and Michael
My predition: Jorge and Megan
Friday, March 06, 2009
American Idol 8: Official Top 13
1. Alexis Grace
2. Michael Sarver
3. Danny Gokey
4. Allison Iraheta
5. Kris Allen
6. Adam Lambert
7. Lil' Rounds
8. Scott MacIntyre
9. Jorge Nunez
10. Jasmine Murray
11. Megan Corkrey
12. Matt Giraud
13. Anoop Desai
Now that we have our top 13 contestants let's do some predictions based on previous seasons:
Season One: Female (Kelly Clarkson) vs Male (Justin G)
I didn't watch the show, but from what I heard it was a total victory for miss clarkson.
Season Two: Male (Our honey bear Ruben) vs Male(Clay Aiken)
I watch the show since top 4 and I think they got the best top 3 ever. I think clay is deserve to win but I'm still happy that Ruben won.
Season Three: Female (Fantasia) vs Female (Diana D).
I didn't watch the show fully only several episodes, but for me somehow I feel that this is the worst season ever. I hated most of the contestants except fantasia and jasmine trias.
Season Four: Female (Carrie) vs Male (Bo Bice)
I watched the whole show, it was predictable that carrie would win this. She is pretty, good singer, girl next door and she sings country. Perfect combination. I hate constantine btw.
Season Five: Male (Taylor H) and Female (Katherine McPhee)
I watched the whole show, Elliot Yamin is one of my favorite contestant ever. Believe it of not I always have difficulty remembering who is the winner of season five. It's not usual for me, a big fans of American Idol. Somehow I managed to block that old silver fox in my head. I hate that guy! I think he really is hideous. I love Chris Daughtry. I'm happy he does well in the music industry. He is the most successfull 3rd runner up I guess.
Season Six: Female (Jordin S) and Male (Blake)
I watched the whole show, I believe this season has the most not so talented contestants ever except for Melinda, Lakisha and Jordin. I also believe that this season has the worst second runner up ever.
Season Seven: Male (David) vs Male (David)
I watched the whole show except the final episode (where was I?) The 2 final contestants are predictable. The hottest constestant ever is in this show. Michael John. I can not forget the bohemian rhapsody he sang.
How about season 8?
I'm guessing Kris Alen will be the first one eliminated while Jasmine will be the second.
Michael will be the third. I still dont get it how he won over Anoop?
Scott, Lil, Adam and Danny could be the top 4. Who's cruel enough to eliminate a blind person? :P
Anoop, Matt and Jorge could be in the top 6. Even though I really like Anoop.
Allison, Megan and Alexis could be in the top 9
I'm guessing if Adam keeps performing like this, he could be the next David C. While Lil is the next Melinda D. I don't know whether after his gay pictures are in the internet her female fans could be decreased drastically.
I guess Danny and Scott will compete to win the female's fan sympathy. Both of them have huge sympathy magnet. One is blind the other one is a loyal widow.
I also guess one contestant from the top 2 will be male maybe Adam. Not going to happen female vs female.
Well that's my prediction. Let's see.. How's yours?
American Idol 8: Wildcard Show
Song : Tell Me Something Good
My thought: First spot, not a good sign. Definitely better than the last performance, but I don't think it is enough.
Score: 7/10
Name : Matt Giraud
Song : Who’s Loving You
My Thought: I think he sounded great, but I'm not jumping on my chair. Not my cup of tea. The judges are of course loving him. The blues boy is back.
Score: 8/10
Name : Megan Corkrey
Song : Black Horse and A Cherry Tree
My Thought: I absolutely hate the performance. I think even she is a unique contestant, she is monotonous. I'm guessing she will be doing the same goofy dance moves next week and pretty soon Simon is going to be bored with her. Btw I think the song suit her personality and predictable.
Sorry folks, I just don't get all the buzz! I think she's pretty save since Simon really like her.
Score: 5/10
Name : Von Smith
Song : Sorry Seems To Be The Hardest Word
My Thought: He keeps growing in me. The beginning was terrific for me and the rest was not that bad but I don't think it was enough. Especially when the judges don't seem to impress with him. See ya Von.
Score: 7/10
Name : Jasmine Murray
Song : Reflection
My thought: I was surprised, I thought she's going to sing Rihanna's song. A bit flat in the high tone but Simon seemed very impressed with her. Jasmine is one of my favorite contestant since the audition. She made me fall in love with Fergie's song. Fergie owed her a new fan.
Score: 7/10
Name : Ricky Braddy
Song : Superstitious
My Thought: I wish I could keep him in top 14. Damn, I think someone in the show hates him. He never featured, and the male judges are unfair. I feel like the judges are already knew who's going to be picked. Poor Ricky. I think he sounded very good. Very good singer, a bit clumpsy moves I have to agree with Simon though.
Score: 8/10
Name : Tatiana Del Torro
Song : Saving All My Love For You
My though: O MI GOD!!! the same song? are you kidding me miss? are you aware that you have to impress the judge instead of america? no no let me say this correctly, are you aware that you have to impress SIMON? That man won't be pleased to hear the same song again. You just blew your chance miss and the performance was not as good as the first one.
Score: 6/10 (yes i do think she is more interesting than megan, at least she's got multiple personalities :P)
Name : Anoop Desai
Song : My Prerogative
My thought: Finally I can hear Anoop sings this song. Not as good as I thought it would be but the crowd really love him and he showed a tremendous personality. I think he will be pick since he got the hot spot.
Score: 7.5/10
My choice: Anoop, Ricky, Matt
My guessing: Matt, Megan, Anoop
Official result: Jasmine (huh?), Megan (i knew it, sob sob), Matt (just okay), Anoop (woo hoo!!!)
Thursday, March 05, 2009
American Idol 8: Group 3 Result
Lil Rounds, Scott MacIntyre and Jorge Nuñez
Group 3 is so much better than the other 2 groups. I feel bad for other contestants in this group.
American Idol 8: Wild Card Choice
Von Smith (Randy Picks)
Jasmine Murray (Kara Picks)
Ricky Braddy (Paula Picks)
Megan Corkrey (Simon Picks)
Tatiana Del Torro (Randy Picks)
Matt Giraud (Kara Picks)
Jessica Langseth (Paula Picks)
Anoop Desai (Simon Picks)
Absolutely agree: Anoop, Ricky
Predictable: Megan, Matt, Jasmine
Surprising Choice: Von Smith, Jessica (errr not so much since paula likes her)
Not crazy about it: Tatiana Del Torro (whaattttt?????)
My Wild card Picks:
- Anoop Desai
- Ricky Brady
- Jasmine Murray
- Ju'Not Joyner
- Matt Giraud
- Kristen McNamara
- Kendall Beard
- Mishavonna Henson
- Megan Corkrey
Opps did I pick more than the judge hehehe...
Wednesday, March 04, 2009
American Idol 8: Group 3
Name : Von Smith
Song : You’re All I Need To Get By
My thought: I was really surprised. The shouty boy actually can sing and I believe that this is the best first performance compare to group 2 or even group 1. I don’t like the song btw.
Score: 7/10
Name : Taylor Vaifanua
Song : If I Ain’t Got You
My thought: This spot is not for you dear. You just booked your plane ticket home.
Score: 6/10
Name : Alex Wagner-Trugman
Song : I Guess That’s Why They Call It The Blues
My thought: To be honest, I really like the performance. I think the vocal was nice and I like the awkward geeky movement. I wish I could keep him in top 12.
Score: 7/10
Name : Arianna Afsar
Song : The Winner Takes It All
My Thought: This must be the pitchiest performance ever ever ever. Meryl Streep sang it better. I’m very disappointed.
Score: 3/10
Name : Ju’Not Joyner
Song : Hey There Delilah
My Thought: I love the song. I really do. I think since I heard Jamar sang it I fell in love with the song instantly and no I really like Ju’Not rendition over the song. There are some pitchy notes but the tone was definitely my cup of tea.
Score: 7.5/10
Name : Kristen McNamara
Song : Give Me One Reason
My Thought: I like this girl, I always do. I think she got a nice big voice and I really like the smoky tone. Not crazy about her song choice though. I do hope
Score: 7.5/10
Name : Nathaniel Marshall
Song : I Would Do Anything For Love
My thought: I hate the rendition. Never like the original song, hate it now. But he seems a nice guy. I wish I could see Simon wear that head band.
Score: 6/10
Name : Felicia Barton
Song : No One
My Thought: The girl is good. I’m glad she replaces the girl who forgets the lyric. Pitchy in some notes but still good.
Score: 7.5/10
Name : Scott MacIntyre
Song : Mandolin Rain
My Thought: I love Scott from the first time I heard him sing. Too bad there are some pitchy notes. I can feel his emotion pouring all over.
Score: 7.5/10
Name : Kendall Beard
Song : This One’s For The Girls
My Thought: She’s not bad. Pretty dress, cheerful and show some personality. I wish I can see her more but the chances are pretty slim I guess.
Score: 7/10
Name : Jorge Nuñez
Song : Don’t Let The Sun Go Down On Me
My Thought: Wow, this man is really good. He’s funny also. "When I get emotional everything is in Spanish" LoL. Hope he sails through
Score: 8/10
Name : Lil Rounds
Song : Be Without You
My thought: When I heard Mary J Blige performed this song in Oprah, I just fell in love with her and the song. I don’t know why I can’t like this girl. I mean she’s a great singer, her voice is very mature but somehow I feel the performance was shouty, and I didn’t get the feeling like when I heard Mary J Blige sang it. Of course the judges gave her praises from heaven.
Score: 8/10
Top Male or Second highest vote: Scott or Jorge
Top Female: Lil
Monday, March 02, 2009
Recipe: Spaghetti Aglio Olio
150 gr pasta (I prefer spaghetti/angel hair)
3 cloves garlic (minced)
2 cayenne pepper (cut)
3 smoked ham (potong memanjang)
Cooking oil
salt and pepper to taste
Parmesan cheese.
1. Boil water, put salt and taste. Put 1 tablespoon cooking oil and boil your pasta until al dente or as instructed then drain.
2. Heat the pan and cooking oil, saute garlic and cayenne pepper until fragrant and change color. Add the smoked ham. Saute until it change color.
3. Toss the pasta, saute a bit. Add the salt and pepper, mix well.
4. Ready to serve.
For 2 people.
Recipe: Mommy's Shrimp
Mommy's Shrimp
100 gr/10 medium shrimp
1.5 tablespoons butter
1-1.5 tablespoons sweet soy sauce (bango)
1 tablespoons light soy sauce (lee kum kee)
2 cloves garlic (minced)
0.5 onion (cut)
2 slice of ginger (cut into thin stick)
2 cayenne peppers (cabe rawit, gw juga baru tau) (optional)
1.5 limes
salt and pepper to taste
1. Peel the shrimps and deveined then marinate with 1 lime. Wait for 5 minutes. Wash before cooking.
2. Heat the pan and cooking oil, saute the ginger until it turn white and toss the garlic and cayenne peppers. Keep sauteing until the garlic starts to change color then toss the onion. Cook until the onion a bit soft.
3. Toss the shrimp and cook until the shrimp turn pink.
4. Put the sweet soy sauce, light soy sauce, stir and simmer a while with medium heat.
5. Put the salt and pepper. Stir. Taste. Turn off the heat. Ready to serve. You can add the 0.5 lemon if you like.
For 2 people
1. Lee kum kee light soy sauce is not only salty but also sweet. Put extra sweet soy sauce if your light soy sauce is salty only.
2. I post the pictures latter when I cook this recipe again. Yesterday we were so hungry, did'nt have the time to take the picture.
American Idol 8: Group 12 Result
Very busy people...
Official Result:
1. Allison I
2. Kris Allen
3. Adam Lambert
I quite agree with the result, even though a bit disappointed when Mischa didn't make it. But I can live with that...