It's been too long since I've updated this blog. Kecian bener nih blog.
The reason is simple. I don't know what to write...
No "blog worthy" events happened lately, but today I'm trying to write something that hopefully worthy enough for you.
1. rotten tomatoes.
Has anybody ever heard about this website? Well, I knew this website for quite sometime but rarely visit it. Within this site you can find movie critics and review and the good news is (for me at least) that "ehm...ehm.. kyknya selera kita sama bokkk!" Based on the statistic 64.5% of my fave movies are Certified Fresh, 12.9% are Fresh and only 22.6% are Rotten (only??? hahaha)
Duh biasanya dulu di kost pasti d selera film gue paling beda sendirian. I've always been "the geek". So, I'm very very excited ternyata gue tidak sendirian hohoho!
2. Walking with Series
Nyambung soal ke-geek-an soal selera film, belum lama ini secara tidak sengaja turn-on the national geographic channel and ntn "Walking with Monster" yang ternyata merupakan bagian dari "Walking with..." series and I've been obsessed with it after since!
Walaupun my hubby ngorok dengan damainya pas ntn film ini, tapi buat gue ini film TOP BGT untuk memuaskan ke-geek-an gue. Jadi selesai ntn sibuklah cari2 di internet buat filmnya dan ternyata ada di youtube (dooh I'm so happy)
The complete list of Walking with... series are (based on movie chronology):
1. Walking with Monsters
2. Walking with Dinosaurs
3. Walking with Beasts
4. Walking with Cavemen
and I watched all of them. Even though the special effect is not extra-ordinary, but I don't care. I love the knowledge I gained after watching it and knowing how stupid I was before.
3. I love Peter Schmeichel and I'm so excited to see his series called "Dirty Jobs". In this series he's doing all of the dirty job including peeling off cow's head skin, cleaning up the pig's "house" etc, etc. I know it's gross but believe me after watching it, you'll appreciate your job better (temporarily perhaps but still you will, trust moi)
oh before I forget, 24 just kicked of a new season (season 8). Can't wait to see Mr. Bauer in action ;)

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Monday, January 25, 2010
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