Friday, October 31, 2008

Prewedding Book Design After First Revision

After sending the designer a 9 pages document describing the revision, 2 days ago I received email attached with the revision. The design is better, even though there are several pages that we found it (still) well... dunno what to say... just not us.

below are the design that we luv...

Thursday, October 30, 2008

Nikko Kas Manajemen - Pasar Uang

Yesterday I just signed an agreement to move my Nikko Kas Manajemen Pasar Uang into Nikko Dana Terproteksi. They (the bank and Nikko) said that Nikko Dana Terproteksi is safer and a better choice if I don't intend to use my money in a short term.

Basically, the biggest advantage by moving into Nikko Dana Terproteksi is that Nikko won't invest our money into new obligation. So, all we need to do is just wait until any obligation is due and then Nikko will redeem our investment proportionally and automattically. The biggest downside is we can not redeem our money anytime we want. So, if you need your money now, don't choose this option.

They also offered you to stay in your current investment. This means that they (Nikko) will buy new obligation with your money and God knows when the obligation will go up again. But in the bright side, you can redeem your investment at anytime you want as long as total today's redeemption is lower than 20% of Nikko's Asset. Just make sure if you want to redeem, do it first thing in the morning okay folks.

IT Jokes no 2

Yesterday I attended a PM Sharing meeting. It was an internal meeting held by our HR department so people like us (read: frustrated and desperate Project Managers) to share our 'fantastic' experience when implementing a project.

Anyway this story is belong to one attendee. He told us before implementing a project, he always, always checked all the client requests carefully point by point and reconfirmed them. Then, one upon a time, he won a project that one of the client request is 'moving data' (data bergerak). Well, since he is a BI (business intelligence) implementer the request is very common since BI always uses real time data not a static data. So he skipped it. It turned out 'data bergerak' means that the client really wants is to have a moving-animated data graphic. Glegaaarrrrrrr.....

All the audience were laughing at once, feeling poor for him while begging to God repeatedly "God, please never ever give me such client" at the same time ....

Wednesday, October 22, 2008

My Wedding Book Design, page 2

Here is another one

My Wedding Book Design

Well... I'm thinking...
I love color..
I have a free time...
I am spoiled with 1350 my pre-wedding photos
and I design once in a while
plus I am a narcissist..duuhh.. *blush..blush..blush..*
So why not?

Here it wedding book design by me (who else?)

will post another one later...

Tuesday, October 21, 2008

The Brief History of Our Time

0 - 6 months
OMG!!! He/She is soooooo... perfect! I must be very good on my previous live to deserve her/him

7 - 12 months
Wow he/she has the cutest little quirks on earth or what?!

1 - 1,5 year
Hmmm…now that I see those quirks clearer. It turned out to be ordinary quirks. Not so cute anymore.

1,5 - 2 years
Those quirks are really starting to annoy me. Let see if I could told her/him to change a bit

2 - 3 years
Why can't he/she understand??
Those quirks are really bugging me..
Please change it..
You said you love me ….
I'll be patient I promise…
I love you too...

3 - 5 years
Change it and change it nowwwww!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! Arrrggggghhhh..

5 - 6 years
Giving up…
Do what ever you want dude…

6 years
Getting married

Sunday, October 19, 2008

6 Years later...

Sunday morning almost noon, lazy me just opened my laptop to watch the movie I downloaded the night before. It's Grey's Anatomy Season 5. Suddenly my fiance pop up in front of my door with flower bouquet, big grin and asked "Do you like it?"

Knowing that he is not a flowery person and this was my second flower bouquet in 6 years dating, so my first response was "Eh.. mm...Why.. What...Er... Yes I like It. Did you cheat on me yesterday? Did you make big mistake last night?"

Irritated, he responded "NOOO!!! Don't you remember what day is today?"
Errrrr...... it turned out that he bought the flower for our 6 years anniversary. He also brought me my favorite pastry, eclairs from Monami. Slurps....
Sorry dear for all the accusations. Hihihihi.. Loooveeeeeee the flowers and eclairs.

Anyway, here are some of the pics of the gorgeous flower and yummy eclairs..

They smell great!


Friday, October 17, 2008

Nguping Kerjaan orang IT

I always always want to put my funny-hilarious experiences revolving around me. Well now. inspired by an email that is sent by my friend about random funny hilarious dialogue that happened in Jakarta (nguping jakarta) I finally can post this.

Kiri kanan?
Saat hendak mengcopy data dari USB ke server.
User bertanya, "Saya musti colok ke USB port sebelah kanan atau kiri? Ada bedanya ga?"
Jakarta, dialami oleh business analyst yang merasa bingung kenapa orang ini bisa punya 3 flash disk dan notebook.

Datang dong
Untuk mengecek suatu kondisi data, seorang developer mengirimkan query via untuk dijalankan pada database server MS-SQL.
IT Manager user menulis email yang isinya bersikeras agar developer tersebut datang dan menjalankan tugas itu sendiri dengan alasan mereka tidak memiliki expertise dibidang tersebut.
Jakarta, dibaca oleh anak buah manager tersebut yang buru-buru menulis email balasan bahwa hal itu sudah selesai dilakukan. (tinggal teken F5 gitu loh)

Duhh why me?
Code from existing program:
"If Left(stringvariable,3) = "ABCXXXXXX" then...."
Jakarta, dibaca oleh sekelompok programmer yang langsung merasa dirinya paling malang sedunia karena harus meneruskan kerjaan kyk gitu dan oleh seorang business analyst yang akhirnya merasa tak heran kalau projectnya sudah lewat 1 tahun tapi tidak kelar2.

User aplikasi menelpon: "Aplikasinya ga bisa jalan non..."
Business analyst: "Loh kok bisa?" (panik mode on)
User aplikasi: "Hard disknya abis non..."
Jakarta, dialami oleh seorang business analyst yang tiba-tiba merasa bagaikan enci2 glodok.

Terlalu harafiah 1
User complain: "Mbak saya kok tidak bisa konek yah?"
Helpdesk: "Oh ya? coba bapak ping deh, caranya ketik ping papa india november golf XXX.XXX.X.X"
User: "Ga bisa mbak syntax error"
Helpdesk: "Masak sih? emangnya bapak ketik apa?"
User: "Papa India November Golf..."
Jakarta, diceritakan ke teman yang langsung tertawa terbahak2 sampai mengeluarkan airmata.

Terlalu harafiah 2
User: "Mbak kok ga bisa di klik ya tombolnya"
IT Vendor: "Oh bapak kurang pas tuh posisi mousenya, coba deh dinaikkan keatas sedikit"
User: (benar-benar mengangkat mousenya sampai melayang diudara)
Jakarta, dialami oleh application manager dan sales person yang berjuang keras menahan tawa agar client tidak tersinggung

Terlalu harafiah 3
Untuk menuntun user menjalankan sebuah query pada server, seorang bisnis analyst mengirimkan email berisi step by step procedure disertai gambar untuk memperjelas.
User complain: "error tuh" (setelah menjalankan sesuai step by step)
BA: "masak sih, error messagenya apa?
User: "can not konek to server XXX" (XXX, nama yang tertulis pada gambar yang terdapat dalam manual sebagai contoh)
Jakarta, dialami oleh BA yang langsung merasa terpukul karena manual yang dikirimkan tidak membantu malah menyulitkan.

Konek dong
IT Manager: "Mbak ini saya coba bikin ODBC kok ga bisa konek2 ya ke MS-SQL nya?"
Application Consultant: "Udah diinstal belum MS-SQL nya?"
IT Manager: "Belum, loh memang harus ya?"
Bandung, dialami oleh application consultant yang saat itu juga nyaris membenturkan kepala ke meja.

Quote of the day
Seorang admin mengeluhkan berkas2 yang tidak lengkap: "Duh nih orang goblok kok permanent!!"
Jakarta, didengar oleh sesama admin yang tidak sabar untuk segera mempraktekkan dan menyebarkan ke orang-orang

Diskriminasi Gender
User mengeluhkan ke manager vendor tentang anak buahnya: "Pak saya mo ganti tidak mo diajar sama mbak X lagi"
Manager Vendor: "Loh kenapa?"
User: "Galak.. mo minta yang lebih sabar"
Manager: "Oh ya sudah besok saya kirim mbak Y saja sebagai pengganti"
User: "Gak mo ah pak"
Manager: "Loh kenapa? Mbak Y sabar kok pak"
User: "Ga mo cewe ah pak"
Manager: "Loh alasannya??!!"
User: "Abis yang kemaren marah-marah mulu karena lagi M"
Jakarta, dialami oleh manager yang langsung tertawa terbahak2 sampe menguncangkan lingkungan sekitarnya.

Dimanakah letaknya 1
MIS sebuah end user menerima telpon dari user.
MIS: "Ohh kalo mbak mau ambil file dari server, coba klik Start Menu, pilih Run kemudian ketik \\nama server"
MIS: "Iya, ketik \\nama server"
MIS (sambil melongok ke laptop yang ada didepannya): "Itu loh tombol yang disamping kiri shift"
Jakarta, didengar oleh IT vendor yang kebetulan sedang ada disitu dan langsung tertawa prihatin.

Dimanakah letaknya 2
Salah satu contoh dalam sebuah training sosialisasi aplikasi baru adalah dengan cara mengetikkan "S0003~E0013" pada sebuah cell di Microsoft Excel.
Trainer: "Sudah semua?"
Salah satu peserta: "Belum Bu"
beberapa menit kemudian..
Trainer: "Sudah semua?"
Peserta yang sama: "Belum Bu"
beberapa menit lagi...
Trainer: "Sudah semua?"
Peserta yang masih sama: "Belum Bu"
Trainer: (dalam hati) "Lama bener ketik gitu doang???"
Setelah ditelusuri ternyata orang tersebut (Area manager) masih sibuk mencari dimanakah letak huruf "S" didalam keyboard.
Semarang, dialami oleh sekumpulan area manager lainnya yang berniat mengumpulkan dana untuk les mengetik dan seorang trainer yang memilih kabur keluar ruangan sebelum membanting keyboard dan mencungkil huruf didalamnya satu persatu.

Thursday, October 16, 2008

Tanpa Jarak Orang Tidak Bisa Berhubungan

Yes.. for people who knows me, might be quite surprised that I love love love Anthony de Mello books. (Don't be so surprised. I am religious in my own unique way you know...)
I collect some of his books such as Doa Sang Katak I and II. I read all the mini stories in those books and decided to post some of them that gave me a kick in my heart. This is only one of them.

What makes this story is able to knock out my 'cruella de ville' heart is very simple. Because it is sooo dang true. I think that everybody who ever had a crush knew that sadly sometimes we interpreted it as true love.

While others might need only a month or a week, me, being a 'slow' person, it took me more than 5 years to finally admit to my self that I trully want him. and starting from that moment, nobody else will matter no matter how perfect they might be. (mr. reeves could be an exception though...hohohoho...just kidding dear...)

I hope this article able to encourage people (who might be in the verge of making any crucial decision right now) to test their 'love' not only through time and but more importantly, through space.


Seorang putri berkeras hati mau kawin dengan salah seorang hambanya. Apa saja yang dikatakan dan dibuat oleh raja, tidak dapat mengubah ketetapan sang gadis. Dan tak seorang pun dari penasihat raja dapat menyarankan, apa yang harus dilakukan.

Akhirnya datang seorang hakim tua bijaksana di istana dan mendengar kesulitan raja, ia berkata: "Duli Tuanku mendapatkan nasihat yang salah, kalau sang putri dilarang untuk kawin, ia hanya akan mendendam kepada sang Baginda dan lebih tertarik lagi kepada sang hamba".

"Lalu apa yang harus kuperbuat?" teriak sang raja.

Hakim mengusulkan suatu rencana bersiasat.

Sang raja sangsi tetapi memutuskan mau mencoba. Putri muda dipanggil dan dia berkata, "Saya mau menguji cintamu kepada orang itu. Engkau akan dikurung dengan kekasihmu dalam ruang sempit terkunci selama tigapuluh hari siang malam. Jika setelah masa itu berakhir, engkau masih ingin kawin dengannya, engkau akan kuizinkan.

Sang putri, gembira luar biasa, merangkul ayahnya dan dengan senang hati menyetujui ujian itu. Semua berjalan baik beberapa hari, tetapi rasa bosan segera masuk. Dalam 1 minggu ia menginginkan teman lain dan jadi marah-marah atas setiap kata dan perbuatan kekasihnya. setelah dua minggu ia begitu bosan akan orang itu, hingga ia mulai menjerit-jerit dan memukuli pitu kamar itu. Ketika akhirnya ia dikeluarkan, ia merebahkan diri dan memeluk ayahnya penuh rasa syukur, karena ia diselamatkan dari orang, yang sekarang begitu ia benci.

Hidup terpisah membuat hidup bersama lebih mudah.
Tanpa jarak orang tidak bisa berhubungan.

Doa sang Katak I, Anthony de Mello, Sj

Monday, October 13, 2008

Prewedding Album Design

Last week, Evy chan sent me emails about our wedding book design. But well, yeah...I think they're guessing our style wrongly, since we only love 2-3 from 20 designs. Therefore, yesterday I wrote a 5 pages revision letter and sent it to them. Poor designer..we're very-very sorry. Didn't mean to cause you so much troubles. I feel terrible, I should have given them clues or something before. Dang.....

But here is some of the designs that we love

Wednesday, October 01, 2008

at kedai tiga nyonya

Narcist at kedai tiga nyonya.
The ambiance of the place is fantastic plus I love the food. Hmm nyam..nyam..nyam..
Can't wait to eat there again..