If anybody asks me the reason for me to get up every morning and go to work, i would simply answer it with the three golden reasons
1. Jalan-jalan alias ngabur ke mall terdekat. * At some point, we have to face the certain reality: despite all the good the world seems to offer, true happiness can only be found in one thing. SHOPPING!*
2. Ngeceng
3. Nggossip
sadly, golden reason number two is not feasible option *musti encourage HRD to believe that looks does matter. Motorola banget deh!*
even more sad, lately, golden reason number 1 becoming more difficult *with clients constantly yapping in my ear, how am i supposed to shop? hiks*
so, satu-satunya hiburan ya apalagi selain the ultimate reason: GOSSSSSIIIIIIIP!
beda dengan infotainment yang ada di televisi dimana acara gosip ditayangkan agak sore, for me hampir tiap pagi, setiap sarapan tiada hari tanpa gossip. makin digosok makin sip!
and of course tidak ketinggalan adanya breaking news disela-sela waktu kantor.
topiknya beragam, mulai dari seleb kantor *dari yang aneh, judes, cantik, gatel, jijay, bossy, oon, rese, SKSD, pelit, semua ada disini. full collection!*, para clients dengan sejuta tingkahnya * idem, mulai dari aneh sampe pelit, still full collection!* sampe personal gossip!
walau mungkin orang yang baca akan bilang, ah typical cewe... bisanya cuma gosiip truuusss.. but i really enjoy the first 30 minutes of my day at office.
with gossip:
- i know that i am not alone, everybody have their own problems and it is real *bukannya cerita soal temennya iparnya adeknya bokap gue punya sodara, jauh kaliiiii.* and it makes me stronger *misery loves company*
- i know how strong my friends are *so proud of them*
- i learn simple wisdom from each other *ga perlu baca buku the secret :P*.
so, if one day.. i have to leave this company for any reason *hopefully a good one*, i always know that i will miss this moment the most...
- moved from my friendster blog, 30/07/2007-

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Tuesday, July 31, 2007
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