Sunday morning almost noon, lazy me just opened my laptop to watch the movie I downloaded the night before. It's Grey's Anatomy Season 5. Suddenly my fiance pop up in front of my door with flower bouquet, big grin and asked "Do you like it?"
Knowing that he is not a flowery person and this was my second flower bouquet in 6 years dating, so my first response was "Eh.. mm...Why.. What...Er... Yes I like It. Did you cheat on me yesterday? Did you make big mistake last night?"
Irritated, he responded "NOOO!!! Don't you remember what day is today?"
Errrrr...... it turned out that he bought the flower for our 6 years anniversary. He also brought me my favorite pastry, eclairs from Monami. Slurps....
Sorry dear for all the accusations. Hihihihi.. Loooveeeeeee the flowers and eclairs.
Anyway, here are some of the pics of the gorgeous flower and yummy eclairs..

They smell great!

benar2 pacar pertama kinda thing, hahahaha...
just joking :p
baik2 sama mas henky pankey yah dear, once again, any fool can se h=that he's totally in love with you :)
Hmm.. lebih suka bunganya apa monami nya nu? wakaka
monami enak bisa di lahap
bunga bagus wangi dicium2
can not choose.......
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