After taking forever to have our order taken, we finally ordered 2 rice (1 without 'bawang goreng'), 1 avocado juice, 1 ayam madu (paha) and ayam bakar bumbu rujak (dada)
Tunggu punya tunggu.....
10 minutes later
waiter-boy 1: "Mbak, avocado juicenya abis, mo diganti apa?"
Since I had my mineral water I said no to the waiter
next 25 minutes
waiter-boy 1:"Pak, ayam madunya abis yang paha, adanya dada gimana?
mico:"Oke deh gpp"
7 minutes later
waiter-boy 1 while bringing my rice with 'bawang goreng' :"Pak, ternyata ayam madunya abis, adanya ayam bumbu rujak, mau diganti tidak?"
mico: "ga ah ganti nasi bakar ajah"
me: "pak khan saya pesennya ga pake bawang goreng"
waiter-boy 1: "oh gak pake ya bu, sebentar yah"
3 minutes later the nasi bakar was arrived
another 5 minutes my rice(now without bawang goreng) plus ayam bumbu rujak (paha) were arrived
me: "loh mas khan saya pesannya dada"
waiter-boy 1:"oh pesennya dada ya bu. sebentar ya bu"
2 minutes later
waiter-boy 2:"bu, ayam bumbu rujaknya yang dada abis. adanya tinggal paha"
me: "loh gimana sih mas. saya barusan liat mas masih bawa-bawa ayam bumbu rujak yang dada pas anterin nasi, kok sekarang abis?!!"
waiter-boy 2:"baru dikasih tau bu abis, adanya tinggal ini".
me: "yang lain ada yang dada ga?"
waiter-boy 2:"yang ada ayam bakar madu dada"
me: "loh gimana sih katanya tadi ayam bakar madunya abis sekarang bilangnya ada"
waiter-boy 2:"oh gitu ya bu, jadi gimana bu?"
me, irritated and hungry: "ya udah deh gimana lagi"
we ate peacefully and then the bill came.... and the avocado juice was included in the bill!!. so I called the waiter boy 2 and said: "mas kok masih ditagih avocadonya?"
waiter-boy 2:"loh ga jadi pesan ya bu?"
upset me with high-pitch voice: "loh yang bilang avocadonya abis khan kalian gimana sih?!!!!!!"
waiter-boy 2:"oh sebentar ya bu"
very very upseting service. what made me upset the most was there was no one word apology came from their mouths. they just say it casually like "okay this is the only food left, you wanna take it or not". huh!
it's too bad i could find the contact number to complaint. ggggrrrrrr.....
this is the logo of the restaurant

1 comment:
wadohh.. bisa dibayangkan ekspresi lo, Noe..
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