One of my friend told me once, that Korean food in Singapore is delicious...
She used to have it and she missed it when she back in Malaysia (yup, you know who she is now :P)
Encouraged with her advice and since she and I share similar taste in food (I guess Kwetiaw Pontianak is an exception) plus the picture looks so yummy, I bought Korean Ramen at Hougang Mall as my dinner last week
When the ramen came, I was a bit curious. Ngg... It didn't looks like the usual ramen I used to eat at Ajisen or Kinotaki.. but well both are Japanese, so, me, a Korean Food newbie didn't think it much.
After I got back to our table, I told my boyfriend about my curiosity. He looked at it at glance, took a sip from a hot-boiling-ramen soup and confirming me, "Yep, it is an instant korean noodle"
Glegar..... it's a 4 SGD food and I got an instant noodle? Geh!
Anyway, since I missed the Indonesian food soooo much and the noodle tasted like Indomie, so I ate it happily.
So, yeah.. in short, the 'Korean Food' in Singapore is delicious.
Still trying to eat the real one though....

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Wednesday, December 17, 2008
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ayo dong coba makan di hawker center :) nyam nyam...
email gw ttg sing hawker center nyampe ga?
udah... makan di maxwell...
ada fotonya pulak. mo kirim ke lo lupa mulu
makan bakut teh
agak kecewa karena tidak sewangi malaysia punya
disini putih bening cuma bau merica doang..
lo makan apa sih?
makan bakmi mix grill, gw kirim kan fotonya? emang gw ga sambil makan sih...
smurfin, gw beljum bales email lo neh, gila sibuk banget akhir taon kejar target n klien2 gw somehow tiba2 punya berbagai ide untuk ketemu dan minta ini itu, huaaaa...
miss u smurfin :)
oh ya,
kata ming2 baikut teh singapur juga engga enak. dia sekali makan engga mau makan lagi.
baikut teh di singapur enak lhoo :)
gimana sih katanya bilang ga enak trus sekarang bilang enak? :D
atau maksudnya menurut ming2 ga enak tapi menurut elo enak?
yang enak itu bakut teh malay.....
wuah slurpsss zeledaaapp....
Darling, so far sih yang paling enak menurutku ya pasta matrix, tapi emang kita blom sempet cobain yang lain-lain ya hehe.. :D
Sliced Fish Soup yang di hougang mall juga enak.
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