Name : Jackie Tohn
Song : Little Less Conversation
Judges Thoughts:
R: not sure about the vocal but great entertainer.
K: agree with randy, you can work the stage
P: you got me dancing
S: you blow your chance and hate the trouser btw.
My thought: Better than I expected. Hate the dancing
Score: 6.5/10
Name : Ricky Braddy
Song : Song For You
Judges Thoughts:
R: that's what i'm taking about!. nice tone.
K: I hope you feel good, cause you kill that song.
P: you deserve in the competition. I'm glad America can see how talented you are
S: very good but not jumping on my seat. but no star quality. Nice shy guy with really good vocal
My thought: Love this guy! great singer. not so sure about the song choice. hope he can make it. but the crowd didn't seem too excited.
Score: 8.5/10
Name : Alexis Grace
Song : Never Loved A Man
Judges Thoughts:
R: You've found the dirty. You worked it out. I'm loving you right now
K: The genie isI love the new girl
P: It's strange how petite you are but with large talent. I'm just continuing to irritate Simon.
S: You could be the dark horse in the competition. Kelly Clarkson 8 years ago. You have self belief.
My thought: Hate the song! the vocal was good but me no likey blues. sowiieh.. I don't understand why the judges gave very positive comment. For me i'm more jumping on my seat when Ricky Brady performs
Score: 7/10
Name : Brent Keith Smith
Song : Hicktown
Judges Thoughts:
R: I like what you did. Blablala didn't remember, I was busy typing my own thought.
K: You're a little save. The song doesn't range enough for you.
P: Definitely a save song, but I can see you as
S: You've got one shot, not original, forgetable, you may just blow your massive opportunity.
My thought: Hate it. The song, the moves, the talk back and the sullen look.
Score: 4.5/10
Name : Stevie Wright
Song : You Belong With Me
Judges Thoughts:
R: Not hot for me. Talked being save that was really save.
K: You have identity crisis. Uggh..
P: Agree with these two.
S: It was terrible. The song was okay, you out of tune, you look very nerves. Zero chance going through the next round. America listen to me.
My thought: Very disappointed. I mean what???? the low notes are too low. Agree with Mr. Cowell here. Start packing girl.
Score: 4/10
Name : Anoop Desai
Song : Angel Of Mine
Judges Thoughts:
R: Interesting song of choice, the song a little bit sharp.
K: Hard to sing the song. Not sure whether you have the capability to nail that sont like it supposed to be, but you have lot of tallents. I believe in you.
P: America has connected with you. This is a difference side of you. You have Brian McKnight in your voice. Anoop is going to be here for a while. Hopefully.
S: You must've been 2 when you heard the song. A little bit too grown up, a bit serious. You got massive likability.
My thought: Not what I expected. But I love his tone.
Score: 7.5/10
Name : Casey Carlson
Song : Every Little Thing She Does Is Magic
Judges Thoughts:
R: Everything was wrong....(singing)
K: Nobody goes near that song. I want to see you sing girly anthem. I have high hope on you. You are a package. Awhh..
P: Police, Sting are iconic.
S: You look good, the singing was atrocius. You shouldn't allow to sing that song to be honest.
My thought: OMG, just when I thought there could be no worse performance than Stevie's. Whaaaat??? The winks, the slutty move. Hate it. Too bad!!!!. I loved her vannessa carlson audition. She is one of my fave and now I have to cross her name for the list I suppose.
Score: 3/10
Name : Michael Sarver
Song : I Don’t Want To Be
Judges Thoughts:
R: The good part is you can definitely sing, start a little pitchy. I like you better on the soul thing.
K: I dont think that was your best performace. I've seen you do better.
P: I think you've done a good job. You change mic. Distracting.
S: We like you, honest good guy who need a break. I hope America does picked up the phone give you another shot.
My thought: Didn't like it when Bo Bice sang the song, don't like it now. Not even Elliot Yamin can make me love the song (I just hate it less when sung by Elliot). Too bad. I like this huge guy. The song definitely not for him.
Score: 6/10
Name : Ann Marie Boskovitch
Song : Natural Women
Judges Thoughts:
R: Here's the deal. Big huge vocal song. I didn't understand who you are as an artist.
K: That song is so big, you have to kill it if you want to do it. A bit old fashioned.
P: Compare to what we heard in the hollywood week and audition, you did better.
S: Your voice is not good enough for that song. It just destroy you. You may have ruined your one shot I'm affraid. Sowieh.
My thought: for me it was okay. maybe because I recognise the song. Not so crazy about the vocal. Very disappointed. I had high hope for her since I saw her audition. Too bad. What's wrong with tonight?
Score: 6/10
Name : Stephen Fowler
Song : Rock With You
Judges Thoughts:
R: I never thought you would chose that song. Such a different song for me. Not in the right place. Pitchy and undernote.
K: I got more of you when you forget the lyric. That song doesn't give you chance to intepret.
P: Would have served you better if you come out here and sang that david cook song. Singing that song for you is like the kiss of death. Only belong to one artist, Michael Jackson
S: Terrible arrangement. You look this back you'll realized you're making a huge mistake. Corny.
My thought: Pack your back mister.
Score: 5/10
Name : Tatiana Del Torro
Song : Saving All My Love
Judges Thoughts:
R: When I heard you're singing the song I was "oh no" but you know what that girl can sing. There're moments
K: It's like a rollercaster with you. Tonight is a very reserved tatiana. Who are you?
P: Most talked about constestant. Beautiful moments and pitchy moment.
S: You're a complete ultimate drama queen. Despreate to be famous. Actually, suprisingly wasn't bad at all. It was better than I've expected. Your demure thing makes me nervous. Go laugh that weird laugh thing.
My thought: It was waaay better than I would expected. She finally behave people!. I think she did work hard. Smart choice of song. Not going to be a greeeeeat singer but not that bad.
Name : Danny Gokey
Song : Hero
Judges Thoughts:
R: The redeem of the night. That was blazing hot
K: Danny you're a hero, You give us hope.
P: You're stellar. Sold out arenas
S: Back to real world. That was good but not fantastic. Very-very good singer. I like you, just not understand the hype just now.
My thought: Very very smart choice of song hey you Mr. Dowey Jr look alike! Good vocal. Definitely sail through
Score: 8/10
My top guy: Ricky Brady.
My predicition top guy: Danny Gokey
My top girl: Do I have to choose?
My predicition top girl: Alexis Grace
Next most vote: Anoop.
Wildcard: Ricky Brady (I hope) but I think it's gonna be Michael.
If I can choose my top three are: Ricky, Danny and Anoop.
Dump all the girls.

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Wednesday, February 18, 2009
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