Tuesday, April 07, 2009

Prewedding Book

Finally, I got my pre-wed book. (walau sempet ddg keambil ga ya aduh takut ditinggal pesawat)
In my opinion, the color is nice, eventhough a bit different with what displayed on my laptop screen.

PS: I designed some of the pages.. hehehe.

Read between the line: You can order your wedding book design from me with fantastic price aka terima pesanan design wedding book. Ayo ayo order ke gue! hahaha


Anonymous said...

Bagus!!!! good job on designing the pages. The photos are very attractively located on every page. All the best buat wed prep nya ;p

ennoe said...

wah thanks...
btw sapa nih???

Johan Rusli said...

yah bagus tuh...setuju guenya...lalu pengen tanya...Tiger Airways tak jadi ya 45 menit terlambat?

ennoe said...

jadi tuh han, ahahha
cuma gw mo tambahin post pic jadi gw tarik jadi draft dulu

telat tapi murah jadi torn nih gw hahaha

*dasar pelit*

litt1egurl said...

hey... i just chance upon your blog and I love this prewedding book. I like the life style concept, May I know how or with whom did you do it?

Hope to hear from you soon. if you can, please email me
clairegq@gmail.com and oh... CONGRATS!!!

my AD is next year!

ennoe said...

hi litt1egurl,

my prewedding photographer is FnG, you can check out on their website on www.fngproductions.com.
They are very good and nice people :)
I design some of the pages for my wedding book because the designer and I have different design style and concept ;)

hope that helps :)